Need help please, it may be too late!


Hello Guys,
My plant is now 7 days old i have been keeping it under a lamp for 5 days it seemed to be doing good...

This morning when i woke up i checked my plant and the top of the stem has floped, I dont know how this has happend it may have been because i over water'd it? :S

Or mabey the light im using is to hot?

it would be great if you can help me out please.

Too much water! You should try to find some clones so you don't have to deal with trying to figure out if it's a male or not.


Well-Known Member
It's hard to tell from the pic's on what type of light how far from the plant
do you have a fan blowing on the plant how much you watered and how
often you water it all makes a difference on how the plant grows then
the leaves look good but what type of dirt and nutes are you using this
all has a great effected on the growth of the plant.


Well-Known Member
i dont think its even close to being too late either lol. ive screwed up WAY worste and had succesful harvest in the end