need help outdoor grow ohio


Well-Known Member
From the looks of it, yes it could use some N. It should fix the yellowing leaves. Good luck fellow ohio native!


Well-Known Member
Well, its really hard to estimate yields from a photo so unfortunately I can't really help you there (You'll definitely get some smoke from the looks of it though). As for how to get better plants, just keep at it! Growing is really a skill that you learn from your own first-hand experience and you will completely notice your progression as you keep growing. Keep ohio green! Good luck!


okay the buds are turning purple so is that good and there swelling and any sugestions on how to cure it and harvest and when


Well-Known Member
^^ love the avatar. ''HE'S BLOWING DROW NOW, OVER!''

Hey Sexy1987, if you need clones for next year, private message me.