I have recently tried this mainline or manifold thing for the first time and I Kinda did it my own way but I have a question I trimmed the leaves off the first time when I cut everything off and then I gave it one more trim after that. Now it’s starting to bush really bad do I need to cut these fan leaves back or what should I do? I’ll post three pictures one when I first started, second when I gave it the trim, and third now
I think it depends on how long you are going to let it go before you flip it. If you are still in veg, leaves shouldn't be a problem. They are only shading other leaves, and if they have problems getting light they will start dying off on their own.
That is why a last pruning about 3-4 weeks after flipping is good, because you can see what buds are being hidden. Always err on the side of leaving leaves. You can't put them back