Need help on my HEMPY BUCKET!


Active Member
Well i will be growing one greenhouse lemon skunk inside a 5L hempy bucket under a 125w 2700K CFL.. ( currently a week old inside soil, planning to transplant it soon )

I have a few questions..

- Instead of ' one ' hole on the hempy bucket, will be adding two .. one on each side but both 2 inches up, this shudnt be a problem as the reservoir will be the same right?

- When and how much to water these?

- When and how much nute for these guys, mind you my seeds only 1 week old and will be 1-2 weeks old when its going inside the hempy.. I HAVE DOFF TOMATO FEED LIQUID FEED as my nute as i've heard its alright for grows.. N-P-K is 2-2.5-4 and i will switch to 12/12 after one week of vegging inside the hempy..
Two drains should be fine, just make sure ur containers are level. Not too many people on here have experience with the hempy buckets. the nutes ir using are low on nitrogen for vegging. Search for: hempy collective re-vised. Lots of good info in there. I tried to post the link, but my phone wont let me. Good luck dude.