need help on auto flowering plants please

hello all
well ive had a nightmare start to the auto flowering seeds i had germinated the seeds as you would a normal seed but to no avail, i put them in water in dark for 24 hours the shoots appeared so i potted up into soil ,4 days later nothing so i decided to read up a little about them only to find a sight telling me never to pre germinate autos , so this leads me to my next question what the best way to start them off is a case of popping them in soil and watering or is there some trick to them please help me as i have only 4 seed left and dont want to ruin these as it looks like i have the others :shock:


Well-Known Member
thats the way i do mine to but i use a heating pad to germ then in cups with cerran wrap or a baggie over it to create humidity with a couple fine holes in it a rubber band to hold the cover on once they break soil i remove plastic put under flouresent light i keep on heating pad until transplant mostly in week 3 then under big lights no heating pad


Active Member
You start yours in just dirt? I've always germed them in water for 24 hrs then into the damp paper towel in a plastic bag method!

thats the way i do mine to but i use a heating pad to germ then in cups with cerran wrap or a baggie over it to create humidity with a couple fine holes in it a rubber band to hold the cover on once they break soil i remove plastic put under flouresent light i keep on heating pad until transplant mostly in week 3 then under big lights no heating pad
cheers guys i think ill just leave the ones i have germinated a bit longer maybe its just me being impatient, how long after you have potted till you see shoots roughly its been 4 days since