Need help oh in coco help!!


Well-Known Member
New grower here!! Hey I need some help I just fead my girls and I ph'd my solution to 5.8 but the run off is 6.7 how do I bring ph down now that I just fead them ???
I'm on day 25 since true leaves . So am I now in mid vege ? I'm use in a kind k3 L 600w led in 2x4 tent. My temps are good always 78F to 83f hudmiity 48% to 55% I havView attachment 3463177 View attachment 3463178 View attachment 3463179
What medium are u in? Why did u put hydroton in ur medium? Thats def not a good idea to begin with.

Hydroton has a neutral ph meaning its usually tries to be around a 7.0
You usually should wash hydroton in ph solution like u do coco before u grow with it. Mixing hydroton in a peat based medium will cause upwards drift in ph.

If u were using hydroton to try and aerate ur medium u should have used something else like: vermiculite, perlite etc.. Not hydroton.


What medium are u in? Why did u put hydroton in ur medium? Thats def not a good idea to begin with.

Hydroton has a neutral ph meaning its usually tries to be around a 7.0
You usually should wash hydroton in ph solution like u do coco before u grow with it. Mixing hydroton in a peat based medium will cause upwards drift in ph.

If u were using hydroton to try and aerate ur medium u should have used something else like: vermiculite, perlite etc.. Not hydroton.
I didn't know that.. I will for sure take them out , I'm use coco


Well-Known Member
I didn't know that.. I will for sure take them out , I'm use coco
Ok. Yeah u dont need to add anything to coco for aeration thats one of the best parts about using coco as a medium. Its stable in ph and doesnt compact like peat and wont become acidic over time like peat does. Which is why u dont need to add limes to it like u do in peat which purpose is to stabilize the acidic nature of peat.

If u want to add aeration or think u want it to breathe better and provide extra oxygen to roots, mix in some of the coco chips to the coir. Just make sure if u dont have a really good coco coir mix that was treated its recommended to wash or soak the coco coir in a calmag solution at a ph of like 5.8-6.0 before u use it. This will also rinse the salts and crap out of the coir prior to use and will guarantee that ur medium holds a good ph and wont bind up the calcium and magnesium during first few weeks of use. The process known as "cation" (cat-eye-on pronunciation). Check it out. Coco binds these nutrients until saturation point basically so pre treating it will ensure when feeding its not suckin up and depriving your plant and roots from accessing them. Many ppl forget about this esp new coco growers and wonder why they have issues a few weeks into veg. Usually happens around the 3-4 week in veg for most growers unaware of this process. Thats when the plants need the most amounts of these macro and micro nutrients and its important step in ensuring you wont have that issue.

So when u get ur coir or chips just mix up R/O water preferably using a mild cal-mag solution of like a tsp per gallon in ph balanced water 5.8-6.0 and rinse the coco until the water comes out in that range. Than you can use that and u will be on ur way to success.

Also if ur new to coco u should be feeding and or watering every day sometimes a few times per day depending on what type of grow you are doing. Coco is great because it doesnt retain all the moisture and water like peat does, wont become acidic, wont compact and fluffs back up when it dries out and increase oxygen in root zone so the plant via the roots can uptake and use more nutrients and water. Leading to bigger stronger and faster growth than u will find running peat. U also dont need to worry about leaching or flushing coco maybe only once or twice if u see a problem but dont run straight water thru coco ever. Also flush or leach with mild strength nutrients u dont want to flush out the coco because than u will run into problems when it begins to bind the nutriens again once they are flushed out (cation exchange i spoke about earlier). So keep that in mind and stay in that range and u will be all set my man. Hope this helps yah out.