Need Help, not sure what to do regarding clone turning hermie...

I'll try to explain it the best I can, If you have a question about the situation please ask. Thanks for ANY input on What YOU would do in this situaiton. I started going to dispensararies and found 1 seed in a girl scout cookies bud and a black cherry soda bud. I had to slowly buy my grow room so after 1.5 months in veg I gave clones of the gsc to my friend. He vegged it for about 3 weeks after roots and flowered it. The plant showed multiple female signs on my plant and his, 2 weeks after this.. He told me today about 4? weeks into flower that it has gone hermie. He claims no stress but I call bs because I know he had possible heat/cold issues and possible light leaks etc. BUT he did have other plants in the group not turn hermie. Before he told me this I had planned on flowering the gsc and bcs in a tent with 5 other 2 week old plants I have after I finally buy my 600hps this weekend. Was starting with these seeds a mistake? What are the chances of these plants being hermie? If anything I will flower these 2 alone and harvest whatever I can, will all clones from these plants be hermie or just some or most? I really don't know what to do?? Id hate to toss these 2 plants after vegging them and takeing very good care of them for 3 months...but i'll do what I have to. Thanks again in advance. :wall:

basically: My friends clone turned hermie off an unknown seed, what are the chances the mother will also turn hermie? 2nd Question, Is seed from kind bud usually from hermie plants? and if so what are the chances of the seeds turning hermie after showing female signs?


Well-Known Member
if the clone hermied it is very likely the mother has tendency to hermie as well. If it has a tendency to hermie any stress can start it off.
i'm guessing the seeds you got were from a crop that self pollinated, more often than not seeds like that will hermie. from experience its seems to me if a plant is gonna go it like to do it around the middle of flower. somewhere around week 4 or 5.
if i were you i'd toss those seeds and get some good ones.