need help not exactly sure whats wrong


Well-Known Member
the plants are grown indoors.they get watered every 2 days. the plants are in soil. and its begining of veg stage
i think it may be a ph problem gonna check that today any thought would be great.



Well-Known Member
hey man, only water when the need water, let the top inch get real dry before you water. are you using any nutes? if so, you should'nt be. PH could be a problem, if you dont have and PH testing equipment or PH up or down, just leave your water un-coverd for atleast 24 hours before watering. what soil you using and how old is your plant?

keep growing!


Well-Known Member
no,no nutes its about 16 days old it maybe the soil it was walmart brand just bought some scotts to transplant into.


Well-Known Member
pretty sure that Scotts has nutes in it-check the bag-if so would explain the nute burn. also spread out your waterings abit, no?


Well-Known Member
i havent switched to the scotts yet. but the meijer stuff had.09-.09-.09 npk. i will spread the waterings out. but just from what i seen i think maybe to ph level fluctuated can i test the run off from watering to get the soil ph level?


Well-Known Member
just do test your runoff. even with those lose ratios, if the root zone is always staying wet you will have a problem with o2 and uptake of nutes. you can add some fine dolomite lime that will help buffer your ph, but doubtful it is ph at this stage of the game. back off the watering-always better to under than over water


Well-Known Member
I mean they def look burnt-see the cytlodons or however you spell it? they are still green and pack with nutes. sure they may grow out of it but than you are starting this plants life off already stressed. if the new growth is not burnt a day after it forms you could be ok-just cut back on the watering. if the new growth is still burning-get em outta there


Well-Known Member
same thing happened to my plant. when i switched the water i was using to water with a neautral PH my plant started growing again within 5 days. If you cant test the ph just put a couple DROPS of vinegar with a waterbottles worth of water and it should help you. If its the soil, get some new shit. Either way id start over. those look fucked.


Well-Known Member
well i repotted it in new soil. i think it was over watering cause the new growths r doin good. thanx for the help guys much appreciated.