Need help (newbie) with grow room


Well-Known Member
i have a grow tent, about 5ft x 5ft. It has two small vents at the bottom. I have an oscillating fan hooked up at the top (blowing down on the plants - done this becuase have no room in tent for fan to sit on the floor). Have exhaust with carbon filter also hung at the top of the tent, is thi right?

Im reading alot about air intake, fresh air etc?


Active Member
Seems perfectly fine, that is without being able to see it...

Read up on negative air pressure as this is the key to controlling the odors & air circulation. Having one fan up top (best positioning btw as hot air tends to rise) sucking the air out through a carbon filter (real can style filter, not the cheap coco-carbon screens that really don't work for tough jobs) is ideal. No intake fans, let a larger exhaust fan do all the work. Vent holes in the bottom allow for air to be drawn in (cooler air from down below). May need to tie in a timer & manually dial it in to relative humidity & CO2 injection if used. Now you could get into $600-1200+ controller units...

Eventually, you will want to get into a CAE (controlled air environment), or at least a partial-CAE, as true CAE is very difficult to maintain. This is all dependent on negative air pressure/flows. Just some thoughts as you appear to be exploring the issue...

Also, the oscillating fan directly blowing on the plants is a very, very good idea. Keep it on 24/7. Also, watch your relative humidities... bloom it at 40-50%... 60%+ gets you into big trouble. Watch the RH (especially) during the first hour after lights go off- temps drop & RH shoots up. A few nights of this & bud rot may take hold. Best.


Well-Known Member
thank you so much for the information and the time it must have taken you to reply, thank you; the info is very useful. Its guys (or gals) like you that make growing our favourite fruit a little easier.