Need Help Narrowing My Issue

I have been researching for a couple days and I'm getting really confused. Some say nitrogen deficiency, or potassium, or nute burn, or over water. I don't want to have to repost a similar problem as other people but I don't want to pump my plant full of every single thing every person advises. Better off getting personal here.

Started out with yellow leaf tips. Then lots of light green leaves. They've now turned yellow. I water every day, if I dont, the leaves go limp and it looks terrible. I bottom feed for around 25 min. Temps admittedly were bad last week as we had a hot spell in my area, so its was near 86-88 or so. Drops to 70 at night. Humidity around 38%. Had a humidifier going 24/7 but it was making the room warmer and its lowest setting is 35%.

Did ph test today, btwn 6-6.5. Got temps settled at 79-82. Did a flush just for safety sake in case of nute build up. Seems like mostly top leaves are worst, when i pull a branch aside and look in the middle the leaves are greener than the outside ones. Have been following online nute sched as the bottle hasn't one. I know near the end the leaves are said to go yellow, but this seems weird. And my buds leaves are turning yellow too which is what I'm getting more worried about.

Im in wk 5 of flower.
FloraNectar 10 ml on weds.
Bio bud 4 ml on weds.
Iguana bloom 4-8 ml every other day depending on week. It said to do like 17ml wk 1, 20 ml wk 2, 23 ml wk 3, 26 ml wk 4, 23 ml wk 5 etc etc.

Yes all organic. I skipped nutes earlier this week, but still did the wed feed.

Is this a heat issue?(stemming from last wks weather?) or over-nute? or lack of cal mag? All friendly advice is appreciated.


The second pic is looking down in the middle, to show the leaves are still more green. Also noticed that today leaves started clawing a little.


Well-Known Member
If the edges of the leaves are yellowing then its nute burn, Is they aren't personally i would give it a nice feeding, and why are you bottom feeding?


Well-Known Member
you know dude, they look too far along in flower to be considered problem cases. they look about average for an autumning off plant


Well-Known Member
Its not nute burn, also your temp;s are a little to high. I would get them to 72-75 Ideally. Get a ppm meter, there 25-30 dollars and will tell you exactly how much nutrients you are feeding them.


Well-Known Member
Defiantly NOT nitrogen def. Nitrogen def plants usually start getting lighter in color from the bottom up and go lighter green before all out yellow.

Other than that, without more details - I can't be sure. My best guess would be a slight nute burn. But I agree, when a problem comes up, I like to be able to use instruments to measure what exactly is going on. Also make sure nothing is munching on your roots.