Need Help Indoor Grow.

Okay so i recently discovered a spot with a hidden door that leads too a very long room the length of my house. I was going to setup a pretty big cardboard box with Mylar all around it. Next i need to know what lights i should use for around 4-6 autoflowers maybe not all at one time though. And what fans i would use to keep it cool do i need to have a exhaust system? if you can answer a few questions please help.


Well-Known Member
1) with that setup ide say cfls are in your future- 100watts a plants min, so about four 26w "100w" cfls
2) if you dont run at least two fans, your better off pushing the air out (exhaust) and having a passive intake of cool air. you really dont want temps going past 80-85f
3)the more fans the better, get something on the plant to strengthen the stem
Im doing autoflowers because i never grew before and i dont know light cycles. and i want to grow something pretty fast to smoke on in the winter and its like this

Theres a nice size walk in closet then behind a BUNCH of clothes there a wooden square that you can take out of the wall that leads to a room that's really long the length of the house and pretty tall in height

also where can i get the wires and light bulb fixture to connect bulbs too? And then i would get a few y sockets right?


Well-Known Member
light is not hard 18 hours light 6 hours dark to grow the leafs and such the 12 hours light 12 hours dark for flowering to grow buds and fans are very important you always want fresh air in your grow room
im not sure what im doing yet but either way i still need to make the box. I honestly wanted to go with a big cardboard box but im having second thoughts.
I still need to buy the thing that holds the lightbulb and the cord that connects it to a outlet? What would that be called and wheres a common place to buy it?


Well-Known Member
buy the stuff at home depot or local hardware store and make sure to do your homework on growing before doing stuff so you do it right iv learned that the hard way
Yea i have been, ill have to look there, but we only have lowes and sears where i live. home depots real far away.
But thanks for all the help if anyone else has tips please inform me.


Well-Known Member
cardboard box seems like it would be too flumsy, as for wiring do you have any outlets near? if your running along the side of the house you should be able to find some electrical connections but you better read up before you start splicing stuff. Your going to have to get your feet wet first and start reading a ton on how to do things
its not outside its inside in the second floor of the house with a secret passage i have a spinning wheel of sockets it holds about twelve that im going to plug into a sockets in the closet then run the big adapter into the secret passage. What do u suggest besides a cardboard box


Well-Known Member
Just make sure your cords can handle all of those amps your about to run through it. As for the box you can build your own out of wood or even go really simple and buy a couple of rubbermaid tubes and stack them on eachother. the possiblities are endless