Need help indentifying difficiency


Active Member
I know I can't spell but sure you guys get what I mean lol. I am going into day 20 of flower tomorrow but noticed that a few leaves are not doing the best. I was thinking that maybe the buds are just eating so the leaves die off here and there and it is normal... Then again I am not flushing yet so maybe that is not supposed to happen just yet. I cannot post pics for some reason so if you guys could please just go to the link that I add to bottom of post that would be freakn great!!! To me they look good but that is me and it IS my first grow, so I could be doing horrible and would never know any better. The only thing that I know has changed is my temps. My MH bulb blew out and I have my HPS in now and those run so much hotter, so it's touched 95* F a couple times in the morning if I forget to open the doors. For the most part the temp in there is 82*F- 84*F so I believe that is at the top of the temp scale but not the worst. I mean the whole 95* is uneceptable but the 82*-84*F isn't that bad, I like to tell myself that at least :) . I'm in the process of designing another room but this is all I have to work with for now. Again please go to the link, it's just youtube so no spam or anything. Any help would be GREATLY APPRECIATED!!! Thanks for the anticipated replies!!!


Active Member
Man guys I'm not expecting subscribers or "likes" or anything for that matter. All I'm looking for is some help as to why some leaves are pretty much dying on me? Is that normal at flower 3 weeks in or no? Most leaves are great but a few are horrible. I can't explain as they differ a little from leaf to leaf. I would just post a pic but it won't let me so if anyone can just watch the video real quick and share your thoughts with me as to what's wrong, if anything. Thanks for the anticipated replies!


Active Member
When in doubt flush it out.....Since its DWC I would flush with plain water and mix with water H2O2(Hydrogen Peroxide)you may have some root rot.Either way your plants will be fine if you do a little maintenance


Active Member
Post some pics not a link to youtube

Im not sure if you missed the part that says this site WON'T LET ME post pics!!! Trust me I'd much rather just post pics but idk wtf is going on and why it won't let me. I mean what's the difference anyways. Either way u have to click on the pic to make it bigger or the link to take you to the video. All just one click away. I will continue to try and post pics. As of now I have two albums that I put tons of pics in but it list nothing in them. The site is fukd up or just doesn't like me.


Active Member
When in doubt flush it out.....Since its DWC I would flush with plain water and mix with water H2O2(Hydrogen Peroxide)you may have some root rot.Either way your plants will be fine if you do a little maintenance
No root rot as I physically see them growing more and more every time I look In there. The Sativa wasn't reaching bbottom of bucket Monday and today it's touching the bottom and stretched out to the air stone :). What do you mean flush? Like just water plain water PH'd out correctly and H2o2 like u said and let it ride? If so how long would you do that for? Also my DWC setup is fine just my drip system has the plants with a couple bad leaves. Off subject but do you know if it's bad to let buds touch walls? The girls are growing REAL FAST, I am amazed how fast! If I pull away from wall they also gget away from light and I can't move the light now. Building a much bigger area now for them but it won't be done fast enough for this round. Should I sacrifice by losing some light and moving plants to ensure off the wall or should I leave it alone? I'm scared of mold, I would hate to lose even one nug to mold. Thanks for any help I appreciate all replies, even if just stating the obvious. Sometimes that's what's most often over looked.


Well-Known Member
It's normal depending on size of flowering plants and what part of the plants foliage is dying, sorry if you posted size etc, but I'm not into reading that much right now lol. I will tell you I have plants 3 weeks in that are fairly large and dense and am not stressing dying leaves (which I have too), every day I go in there I'm picking dead ones off the floor and will go through and grab dying ones off the plant eventually they stop falling off.


Active Member
It's normal depending on size of flowering plants and what part of the plants foliage is dying, sorry if you posted size etc, but I'm not into reading that much right now lol. I will tell you I have plants 3 weeks in that are fairly large and dense and am not stressing dying leaves (which I have too), every day I go in there I'm picking dead ones off the floor and will go through and grab dying ones off the plant eventually they stop falling off.
Perfect!! They are rather big like 3-1/2 feet talk maybe a little bigger. The dying leaves are about half way up the plant. I mean besides that they are DENSE as all hell and soooo sticky, mmmm smells sooo good lol. Thnx bro, appreciate it!!!