Need help identifying the problem


Active Member
This plant has been outside for a couple of weeks now and is looking great with the exception of a few fan leaves. Any help will be greatly appreciated, sorry the pics are kinda fuzzy my phone camera sucks.



Undercover Mod
Some details.....Does it start in lower fan leaves and move up the plant?

If it does it might be mag def. you want to get some epsom salt and dissolve a tablespoon into a half gallon give your plant a drink. It wo'nt fix the damaged leaves, but it will stop the spread of it.



Active Member
Thanks for the responses! It does start on towards the bottom and makes its way up but only on the really big fan leaves. Hmmm nutrient burn or nutrient deficiency.... Ill try feeding her some dissolved epsom salt and see if that stops it from spreading, and if that doesnt do the trick than ill just give it regular water to try and flush it out.