need help identifying if hermaphrodite (male pods)!


Well-Known Member
unfortunately this photo is bad quality.

i will take a better one in the morning.

this "cali gold" started flowering 4 days ago and there's a few of these "pods" with white hairs shooting out of it... i'm not experienced enough if it's a "calyx" or a, "male pod".

thank you!!!



Active Member
a better pic would help.. males dont push out white hairs. Try to get a clear pic of those hairs, that way we can tell you for sure what they are.


Well-Known Member
thank you.

so even if it is a hermaphrodite -- white pistils do not shoot out of male pods?

here's somewhat of a better photo... it's night time so i will try again during the day with sunlight.



Well-Known Member
iz a boy there and it will grow more nutz
thank you!

here's another photo if anyone else wants to drop their opinion.

there's a white pistil literally shooting out of it.

i'll try my best again to take a better photo when the sunny finally comes out.


Nubby Tubbs

New Member
thise started flowering how long ago? it looks like full preflowers in that pic, and it looks female to me. am i high?


Well-Known Member
thise started flowering how long ago? it looks like full preflowers in that pic, and it looks female to me. am i high?
thanks... :)

5 days ago.

there's half of me wanting to believe it's a swollen-preflower, because there are white pistils sticking out of it... then the other half, when it comes to hermies (since hermies are both male and female) i can't tell if it's a male-ball with female-pistils coming out of it... is that how hermies look like?

thanks again for everyone's contributions... i'm really anxious about this outdoor grow i have going on and nothing will eat me up more inside then knowing three of my dank clones get pollinated!

i mean, sure -- i'll get a ga-zillion seeds -- but it won't change the fact the outdoor season will be over!


Well-Known Member
I think its a chick. BUt the pics are not the best. hard to make out the details. But the one post looks like preflowers to me.

If in doubt, wait a bit & see what happens. Make sure you get rid of him (if it is a him) before the pollen escapes. But that doesnt happen in 10 minutes, so I think I would wait & keep an eye on it & see what happens.

good luck to you though.

I thought mine went male when I saw these, but turn out I was wrong. Freaked me out though.



Active Member
tatz hermie plant and thatz why tha little pistils are shriveveled an brown coz itz polinated already
preflowers change shape and color as they age, regardless of whether or not they have been pollinated... anyway, even if it was a hermie, the white hairs dont come outta the male parts


I have the same delema, i see pods in the nodes but has white hairs. Freaking the shit out of me. I'll tkae pics and maybe someone can tell me whats going on