Need help identifying a few problems!


Hey guys, so this is my second grow. First one was successful with six WW plants giving me about 14oz of dried and cured flowers. The plants were only 24-28" tall but with at least four main colas going to the base of the plant on each.

I used all of the same products I am using this time around. The only difference are the seed strains. Currently I have 9 plants and they are 4 blue dream, tangerine dream, pineapple chunk, LSD, Lemon skunk, and trainwreck.

All of them I got from the single seed centre same as last time.

The light is a 1200w (equivalent) blurple. I know it isn't actually as powerful as it is advertised. But I used that and an additional 1000w (equivalent) cheap blurple lights and I didn't seem to have any problems with the last grow. They seem to like these lights.

They were first put into solo cups after germinating the paper towel method. No nutrients so far but they were transplanted into fox farms ocean forest today and their permanent five gallon homes,so I shouldn't have to give them any nutrients for quite a while.

I germinated about 16 days ago,most are growing happily but I seem to be having two separate problems with three of my plants.

The first picture is the LSD, it has a strange marbling pattern across all of its leaves and is only about half the size of the rest. And the other two are blue dream where the newer grouth is getting a rough texture to them and curling down.

I'm hoping these problems will go away now that they're in fresh soil. But can I get your opinions?

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated!!



Joint Monster

Well-Known Member
Does FFOF have a "nutrient strength X-X-X" on the bag? It's an organic mix right?

Are you foilar/misting them at all? If so the first two pictures could be a result of that.

The third and fourth picture look like they are over-watered.
Be very careful watering girls that small, in containers that larger (5gal.). Over-watering will be your biggest enemy with seedlings that size.
^Imo. solo-cup -> 3gal -> 5gal. (Not saying you can't pot into one container, but up potting helps avoid beginner watering mistakes, and helps roots take up each container more uniformly.)

Do you know the Ph of the water you are giving?

The light is a 1200w (equivalent) blurple. I know it isn't actually as powerful as it is advertised. But I used that and an additional 1000w (equivalent) cheap blurple lights and I didn't seem to have any problems with the last grow. They seem to like these lights.
Did you use 2200W your first grow as well? And how long did you veg?
^if you did, you should aim to get at least 1oz per girl in a 5gal. minimum.

Have you considered what mistakes you made last time, and what improvements you intend to make this time?


My mistake, that is the 1000w I am using now. And yes with my last grow I used both the 1200 and 1000 for flower. Some of veg I think. I can't remember how long exactly I vegged them for but I topped them multiple times. I'll put a few pics I have From the last grow.

I don't see anything on the bag that says the strength or not organic either, but I don't see anything in the ingredients that wouldn't be organic material.

The pH of the water is 6.5 I've been giving them.

And I think my first grow went really well. They were hot most of their life 80-84 degrees because of the closet I had them in all of their veg, and half of flower. Now It always stays 75 in the tent I bought. So that may have stunted them. I also may have trimmed them a bit too much last time. And I didn't take any clones until after they flowered (I tried to reverse them back to veg but none did) also my first grow I didn't have any pH meters or ppm meters or nuts for half their life. Just the fox farms ocean forest and crystal geyser and tap water. (I later found out the water at the tap comes out at 8-8.3)i still use that but pH it down.

After all that came a little more than two Oz per plant.

This time I think I'm still going to continue with the two lights I may invest in a few quantum boards if I can afford it.



Well-Known Member
That mottled look on the LSD is likely genetic. I have a cross of that with Blueberry and I've seen that look on a few of them over the years. Doesn't seem to affect the bud any and often the smaller plants have the most potent bud. The right pheno of that is the bomb for me but hard to tell until you are smoking it. The LSD has Mazar in it's heritage and that seems to have a good effect on my depression.

The droopy ones will likely straighten up and fly right once they are used to their new home and growing rapidly. Keep an eye on new growth as that tells you more about the plants health than older stuff that may have been affected by the conditions at the time.
