Need Help - I Think i see a little yellow flower? PICS


Well-Known Member
I order some seeds from the Attitude and received a freebie called Rocklock. It grew very fast and very large. I put it under 12/12 2 weeks ago and since then I see alot of nice white pistils but my main cocernn is what looks like a weird formation growing right at the tip of the top? I've looked the plant up and down and cannot find any balls or bannans or anything?

I'm looking for some imput. Am I being paranoid or is this just normal growth??:roll:



Well-Known Member
I appreciate the input. Thing is, last crop I pulled down I missed something along the way and found seeds throughout the bud. I never even noticed until I cut right into them. So this time around I'm just trying to not have a repeat.

As things progress, and i have any other suspicions I'll post an updated pic.

Thanks again.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
There are things in the pics that look a bit like the beginnings of male flowers but I wouldn't have pulled her based on those pics alone. Male flowers usually stick out pretty obviously before they open so let the flowers go further than that before culling.


Both. That is a perfectly healthy looking plant. It's probably just more sativa than you're used to. That top is made up of leaf blades, calyxes, stigmas, etc.

......check this girl out, she may give you an idea of what yours will end up looking like.notice the growth spurt at the top...due to movin her closer to the light a week or so ago................................

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
This is an open male flower. If you ever see this IRL, your females are already pollinated. Only one time have I ever seen a live, open male flower in my life. That was the one time we pollinated a crop.

Open Male Flower.jpg


Well-Known Member

So these are the updates. My camera is a piece of crap. I cannot zoom in without it blurring. Basically, the plant has white hairs at all nodes, more at the nodes than the actual "top". Last night when under the HPS it really looked like yellow bulbs coming from the top but today it really did not appear so. From everything I have seen on here and the pics you have attached it all looks as if anything "bad" basically hangs like balls sorta speak.

Have a look, if you can't give me a 100% I understand, the pics are best I could do. I can maybe try again later tonight.


Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
There are definately no signs of male flowers in those two pics. Looks like a perfectly normal and lovely sativa. As long as you watch all areas of the plant closely, it's unlikely a male flower will grow to maturity without you noticing. People who worry too much about male flowers don't usually miss any.


Well-Known Member
There are definately no signs of male flowers in those two pics. Looks like a perfectly normal and lovely sativa. As long as you watch all areas of the plant closely, it's unlikely a male flower will grow to maturity without you noticing. People who worry too much about male flowers don't usually miss any.
So I checked again and this time felt the tip. To me it's different. I have 5 other nice females around this one and hate to risk it.. Just don't get why the tip has a yellow 3 ball looking formation to it. I'm use to the tip being nothing but white hairs.. I'll try for a better pic tomorrow.