Need help...Harvest


Active Member
Like to know when they'll be done...
The trichomes are all cloudy with a lot of amber, but there are foxtail sections with white hairs still, along with a few white hairs...
I already started flushing, but the plant seems to be foxtailing now...
<<<This is the same plant but I harvested the top already...This is left overs...



Active Member
Also, sorry for the shitty pics, it's pitch black in there...
All the leaves died off about 2 weeks ago...Not looking good...


Well-Known Member
looks like a but more than foxtailing if you ask me (just plain still not ready imo). i would say extend her a week past where you originally thought and check again.


Well-Known Member
only because the leaves are dying back i would say harvest now! but other wize it could have wnt longer.. dont feel bad a have a whole sog going the same way...


Hmmm you say the fan leaves died off and i see alot of yellowing. But i still se a bunch of white on her. Wont hurt to leave her for another week to see what happens. Goodluck tho


Active Member
Thanks for all the help people. +1 all around.
A bottom branch fell off so I'm water curing it atm...and I'm gona leave the rest for at least another week...
I was kindof freaking out cause I have no leaves left on her and the ones she does have are turning yellow quick..
Guess I'll just keep an eye on her and let her finish