need help growing

yo right im gone grow 1 plant of big bang 2 but i have never grown before so could someone tell me how to grow please im going to be doing it in my wardrobe and i want the easy way if there is 1 with equpiment that wont cost to much money please thank u. PS i live in the uk :joint:

ski 175

well first off, what supplies do you have so far that your working with. Natural soil, soil from a store, or home made soil. Are you looking to start with city water or well water. Regular everyday home lights or growing lights? To have a mini grow-op you have to realize your plants are only going to grow with what your willing to put into it.
im gone use soil from the shop and tap water and 100 wat light bulb if u think i should take anything from that out or i should buy better stuff tell me please thanks


Well-Known Member
Good light, soil, nutes and a controlled environment make better plants. You get what you put into it.


Active Member
go read a book, tons of research out there at your disposal! come back when you atleast understand which way your going to begin your grow. as coho said previously.. light, soil, nutes.. a ton of other factors as well can determine what your grow is going to become.
not to be rude or anything but the amount of people coming in here and asking exactly what to do needs to stop.



Not to be rude, but you've posted the same questions in a number of forums and sub-forums. I don't mind helping people out, but no one here is going to do all the work for you. All the answers to your questions have been posted here 1000's of times. All the info is out there, you need to help yourself.

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
yo right im gone grow 1 plant of big bang 2 but i have never grown before so could someone tell me how to grow please im going to be doing it in my wardrobe and i want the easy way if there is 1 with equpiment that wont cost to much money please thank u. PS i live in the uk :joint:
First thing that you need to do is get a good pair of reading glasses. The second thing is learn to read, if you already know how to read then you are off to a good start. Third thing to do in order to help yourself become a good cannabis gardener: READ


Active Member
Dude, YouTube search how to grow weed. Then come back and read the sections that apply to the type of grow you want to try. Then read some more... Then ask your questions. That's an easy way to learn.


get an hps light 150 watt to start, fox farms ocean forest, fox farms trio, and mylar, make your place and keep it cooled. try it out and post pics.
Google is your best friend. I'm sure you can find how to set ups online. 100w light will be a really bad choice even if its one plant do not expect to get much. Also remember your plant needs fresh air.

carl poot

get an hps light 150 watt to start, fox farms ocean forest, fox farms trio, and mylar, make your place and keep it cooled. try it out and post pics.
dont forget about ventilation. Probably one of the more important things because if no fresh air is in there and the temps are too high..the plant won't stay alive. It needs to breathe.