Active Member
I have 6 dinafem HAZE AUTOS, 1 syrup, 1 white dwarf, 1 diemos from buddah all freebies from TUDE so i figured i would use these to try the hempy bucket method...So far great i think..I used rapid rooter plugs in the dome i was told to keep the rooter on top of the perlite i barried only a portion of the rapid rooter is this right just saw someone who planted the whole rockwool cube underneather perlite and they hold more water than rapid rooterhows i think but i thought this would rot the roots is this the right way??? Also i have them in 16oz red plastic cups but im gonna need to transplant again into 1-2 gallon buckets..How do i transplant?? just cut of the bottom of the cup or what..Also when cutting if this how u do it r u gonna cut roots and will this mess up ur plant if u do??PLEASE HELP SOON