Need Help Force Flower Sexing

Hey Guys and Girls,
So the plan for this year was to get my clones and do my thing like I have done the last two years. Well, my friend happened to drop me off some brand new seedlings just starting to sprout. Couldn't say no, so I decided I would try the seed thing this year. I am a medical grower, so under the law in my state I am allowed 18 immature plants per card. I ended up with 12 Mangos and 4 Trainwrecks. They are on their 6th week. The mangos are from 12"-15", very bushy and thick stocks. The TWs are about a 3rd smaller. They were under my areogarden lights, supplemented with a 65w CFL and a 50w Generic grow light I had lying around. They seemed to like the light combo as they have always been a brilliant green. Also using FoxFarm nutes. At the 5th week, all threats of frost were gone, so I moved them outside permanently in pots.

Now for the questions. It's time to sex these bad girls. My growing previously has been exclusively with female clones, so sexing is a bit new to me. I know the difference quite well, identifying is not the problem. I'm not sure exactly how to go about the 12-12 light cycle. Have a few different options. I have a large grow cab I can place them in for 12-12. Do I need to keep them in the cab with 12-12 light cycle until the forced flowering is complete? Or can I leave them outside for 12 hours during the day, then place them in the cab darkness for 12 hours? I would like to do the later, as it has been awesome growing weather lately and I don't really have the right lighting. Not really too fond of trying the bag on the branch way.

I really do like how fast these seed plants grow, their going to be big yielders.


Active Member
Hey there Hilltop, sounds like you're on the right path... I would suggest using the grow cab for the entire 12/12 cycle just because it is way easier to maintain an accurate time schedule. Find the ladies and take some cuts!!!


Well-Known Member
If your planning on putting on 12/12 just to find sex then returning to veg I'd advise against it , some plants just don't want to turn back once flowered and will just do nothing at all for months,
Don't really have another option. These things are going to be huge and I don't have the space to grow 16 plants until they flower naturally. I did however pick up 10 clones just in case I fuck up on this. Also built this cab yesterday, benefits of being a cabinetmaker. Picking up more lights for it today. Hopefully get these things sexed then out into the sun where they belong!
