Need help flowering...Please


Active Member
I have a bagseed plant from sum lemon lush and it's confirmed female she's been budding for about 4 or 5 days n I need to pull it up n about 2 to 3 weeks.I was wondering wat would b the best way to get it as mature as possible n a short amount of time.can any1 give me sum thoughts??(by the way I'm growing with 2 big ass cfls 1 blue spectrum 1 red.I am going to add 1 more of the red)


Active Member
Just pull her up now and save your self some time. There won't be anything worth smoking after such a short amount of time. I don't think you can really speed up the maturation process. An eight week plant is going to take just about 8 weeks no matter what.


Well-Known Member
the dude above you just gave you a suggestion, if someone could take a 8 week strain and finish it out in 4 weeks dont you think everyone would be doing it?? hope its outside or else you are just going to be wasting elec and water, prably ferts too. at least try and get to 6 weeks then you will prably have something worth salvaging off of her.


Well-Known Member
sorry to say but you are out of luck. Nothing you can do. saving yourself some time and money and giving up now might be the best bet, you are not going to get anything worthwhile from a plant cut at week 3 or 4 of flower. Not trying to beat you up, just being honest with you.


Active Member
Ok I kno its not gonna b GREAT buds very very loose and hairy but w/e I wanted to kno how to make the best of it it's not very sativa like it's short dark and bushy it's a very small plant I restricted it to getting big.a friend of mine has it now n he's going to let it finish I don't expect more than an o or an o and a 1/2 off her


Well-Known Member
an ounce isnt that bad of a yeild for 1 plant kept small, especially if you are new to growing. Do you plan to be there when it gets chopped and split it up or is he doing it out of the goodness of his heart? Glad you could work it out somehow, it would of been a shame to waste your time and efforts by chopping at week 3 or 4 of flower. Best of luck, i hope you reach or surpass your expectations.