Need help finding jars for commercial use!!!


Well-Known Member
Okay... i have harvested a new crop and i dont want to package it in bags. Back home they have lil hood corner stores that sell these little glass jars with orange lids with a pic of a butterfly on top for like 15 cent a pop. I now reside in the south, and i cant find those damn jars to save my life... even something similar would do.

I went to 420jars, and these are far off from what im talking about... the jars i speak of can only hold 2 or 3 grams, give or take... I have also been to michaels arts and crafts, they have something close, but there bigger and waaaay more costly...

Any help would be delightful.... i know someone has seen them


New Member
Dang FDD those are spensive! :razz:

You can order a set of 6 - 1/2 gallon Ball mason (canning) jars from any hardware store for like $15.