need help fast! plants been under 24hours of light during week 5.


help. i found out this morning that one of my timers is broken. this has left the light on for 24 hours during week 5 of bloom. i have 4 hps. and one of this has been on all through the night for 3 days!!!! what should i do. if i let them continue the previous cycle. the plants only gets 6 hours of sleep today. should i just turn the lights off for 48 hours now to reduce stress? then start normal again??


Well-Known Member
just start back to normal asap. 3 days probably isnt enough for them to fully revert to veg although they may be slightly annoyed with you. Probably added a few days to your end date but no huge deal.


okay.. but my cycle used to be lights on 12.00 and lights off 0.00. i found this out 06.00 in the morning, and i turnd of the light then. should i let the lights be off for 12 hours. and start a new cycle from 06.00 to 18.00. or should i let the lights be out until 12.00 the next day. that will be 30 hours of dark


dude, keep everything as it was. trust me, you shouldn't have any issues.
yeah but thats kind of hard since i already turn of the lights. the lights was suppose to come on at 12.00. but since one light have been on the last 3days i figured they at least needed 12 hours of darkness.. its 14.46 where i live now. should i just turn on the lights after 12 hours now.and switch my cycle after that? thanks for alle the help!!

Fresh 2 De@th

Well-Known Member
tbh, keep your schedule the way it was. if the lights suppose to be on, cut them on. if their suppose to be off, leave them off.

if you think about it, the damage has already been done and you over thinking it only complicates things.


tbh, keep your schedule the way it was. if the lights suppose to be on, cut them on. if their suppose to be off, leave them off.

if you think about it, the damage has already been done and you over thinking it only complicates things.
okay. so your sayin that i should get back home and turn on the lights again? then turn them off again at 00.00 tonight. FML. Then i just made it worse by turning all the lights off.


New Member
Switch back to a schedule, any schedule asap. Buy commercial timers and don't let it happen again. Its all about learning from your mistakes my friend.

Keep your eyes peeled for little nanners, they most likely will show up at the top first if at all.

Good luck.

Fresh 2 De@th

Well-Known Member
okay. so your sayin that i should get back home and turn on the lights again? then turn them off again at 00.00 tonight. FML. Then i just made it worse by turning all the lights off.
dude you're over thinking this, trust me, i go through what you're going through all the time and have yet to experience any misfortune. i don't grow where i live and rely on someone else to turn on and off the lights and they fuck the schedule up on the regular basis (at least once a week).

unless you're doing a 12-14 wk strain, you shouldn't have any issues from one fuck up.


Well-Known Member
Take the mans' advice.....less adjusting....find a rhythm and let them get back in the pump. This happened to me once and I just gave em those lost days replacement value at the end. No problem. However, I want to suggest that you give them space...don't overdo it. My best results came in circumstances when I was forced to neglect them (bare minimum).