need help diagnosing leaf problems


New Member
Hello fellow smokers, I have a problem, the majority of my babies leaves are extremely dry, light green, slightly droopy and some and burned. I have read up on a few different reasons why leaves may go dry, yellow, dry up, or burn. But I am not entirely sure what it is that is wrong, or how to fix the problem! So I thought my best bet was to post on here and seek some advice, hopefully someone can help...

This is my first time, so I don't have much or any previous knowledge in growing, and don't really entirely know if everything what i'm doing is right or not to be completely honest...

I am using cuttings from a mother 'cheese' plant, in canna pro plus soil, using coco a + b nutrients.
They are now 36 days old, and spent they their first 28 days under 1 600w light without any intake or exhaust on the room, just a normal fan, on a 24/7 light cycle.
I have recently added an extra light and an intake fan sucking air from the chimney and the exhaust going out through the floorboards, fitted with a carbon filter. I also switched them onto an 18/6hr light cycle.

The leaves are always looking slightly droopy, and even when they aren't and they're pointing out strong they still look slightly discoloured and don't ever seem to have that nice dark green thickness look to them apart from the odd one or two.

I was hoping to yield around 3oz per plant, I have an extra 2 lights ready for when they go into flowering... But i'm not entirely sure whether they're ready?

Please someone help?! Lol :wall:

Here are some pictures:
(They look a a bit more dark greener in the pictures, but they're actually more light green/yellow)


Well-Known Member
Nothing wrong with your set-up, I like it. But the first and second pic look like nute burn to me. You say this is happening to most of your plants? Did you change up your nute's lately?


New Member
Hey, not changed up the nutes apart from giving them a little revive before to try and give them a bit more calcium, as none of the leaves have ever really been super dark green or strong, but they took to it well.
I dont know what the temperature or humidity is, I don't have a thermometer, although theres no extreme conditions in there neither hot or cold really just pretty much average room temperature.
The room used to get super sweaty and the walls would be dripping with condensation when I had no intake or exhaust, and I used to have to air the room out daily. But since I've installed the intake and exhaust this has stopped happening.
But my main concern is the leaves feel real dry, like maybe they're not taking in there nutrients or water properly?
And when I say dry I don't mean like like the ones which have yellow bits and are going crispy, I mean like every single leaf still has flexibility but has a paper like dry texture rather than feeling thick and strong with moisture...

Any idea of when I should put these into flowering to yield 3oz per plant?
I have another 2 x 600w lights for flowering.

Here's a couple more pics in better light


New Member
Also not sure if its a PH issue, the PH is around 7, but I've been using one of them PH indicator colour chart kits so its not 100% accurate. Is 7 alright?


New Member
Here's one with the flash on, although the flash just makes it look much healthier than it really is lol, I'll take a better picture tomorrow in the sunlight


Well-Known Member
Here's one with the flash on, although the flash just makes it look much healthier than it really is lol, I'll take a better picture tomorrow in the sunlight
View attachment 2953520
That plant looks good to me. And you can start flowering whenever you want, as it is that will be a big plant. Your PH is high, I usually stay around 5.5 to 6.
That 3rd pic in the second set that plant sure has a red stock. It don't look right to me. Is that the worst one?
Has anything gotten worse in the last 24hrs?

sativa indica pits

Active Member
it seems to me the upper growth is always affected first with ph. 7 is right at the cut off point for healthy growth. it wont show sever signs but you will know something isnt right.DSC00805.jpgDSC00874.jpg these are both high ph, they will start to yellow if left in the 7's for a few days.


New Member
I didn't even notice about the stems being red! :/
i've just check now and every single plant has red stems, and all the leaves are still feeling like a dry paper texture and are either light green or yellow.
Any ideas?


New Member
I just had a nitrogen problem and had to flush with water until the color came back to a nice light green ( dark green is not good ) healthy light green is good