Need help designing a cfl fixture

Okay so i have my stealth box all made up. its in my room just looks like another dresser... kinda. but anyway i have two 120 mm pc fans going. the exhaust is geting 9vs and the intake is getting 7vs so they arent spinning full blast for noise reasons... here is my dresser


i made it outta wood with a door knob and a latch and lock so no one can get in.


This is the inside of my box with my little door open. the wires and everything are all hooded up to the fans


These are where my fans are... the first is the exhaust on the top half of the box. the second is the intake. with more wires

what i need help with is to some how find a way to make these cfls


fit in the box. all eight of them dont have to go in the box because im only going to be growing one plant in the box. does anyone have any ideas?


Well-Known Member
go to home depot and get like 10 Y splitters (you dont have to pay for them....) and then start playing with them, thats what I did and it makes it easier to find what works in your space. I currently have it set up to where it splits into 2, then 4, then one last layer of splitters and then bulbs going around, I can upload a pic if you'd like just holla


In a tight space I just used some outlet socket adapters in a power strip and use Y-splitters. (you have them) Basically, hang a power strip upside down from the top of the box, plug outlet socket adapter into power strip, insert Y splitter into plug outlet socket adapter, screw in bulbs. Off a regular power strip you can probably get 6 to 8 lights hanging with a very low profile.

here is the part, they are about a dollar at walmart or hardware store

Found this pick from some other site for reference.


Well-Known Member
go to home depot and get like 10 Y splitters (you dont have to pay for them....) and then start playing with them, thats what I did and it makes it easier to find what works in your space. I currently have it set up to where it splits into 2, then 4, then one last layer of splitters and then bulbs going around, I can upload a pic if you'd like just holla
are you suppose dto just walk out with them in your pockets? Or they have a borrow it plan? you just bring them back when done? Or are you talking about stealing them? Really? $6 worth of shit is worth going to jail.
or you mean just sitting there on the floor like a weirdo playing with stuff. You can often find me in the PVC isle doing that. ;)
haha thats what i was thinking. why steal something so small and get in trouble and then risk your grow? lol but maybe they mean something else idk lol


Well-Known Member
haha thats what i was thinking. why steal something so small and get in trouble and then risk your grow? lol but maybe they mean something else idk lol
What he said. The DEA will hunt you down in stealing Y-splitters as the only use for them is growing marijuana.
i doubt the only use for them is growin lol i could have used them in several situations if id known they even exist lol i didnt until this site


From looking at your photos, am I seeing correctly that you have all your wiring and outlets INSIDE the box ?Doesn't seem wise since your trying to grow in a small spot. All the room you can absorb the better! Drill a 1 inch hole through the back and feed all the wires to a power bar and attach it to the back.

Unless I'm just seeing things wrong in the photo.


Well-Known Member
In a tight space I just used some outlet socket adapters in a power strip and use Y-splitters. (you have them) Basically, hang a power strip upside down from the top of the box, plug outlet socket adapter into power strip, insert Y splitter into plug outlet socket adapter, screw in bulbs. Off a regular power strip you can probably get 6 to 8 lights hanging with a very low profile.

here is the part, they are about a dollar at walmart or hardware store

Found this pick from some other site for reference.
View attachment 2837578
add a turkey basting pan on top of those lights and makes a nice reflector maximizes those cfls
From looking at your photos, am I seeing correctly that you have all your wiring and outlets INSIDE the box ?Doesn't seem wise since your trying to grow in a small spot. All the room you can absorb the better! Drill a 1 inch hole through the back and feed all the wires to a power bar and attach it to the back.

Unless I'm just seeing things wrong in the photo.
well i would do that but then that would defeat the purpose of being a stealth grow.. because i have a lot of traffic through my room and it has to look as normal as possible and i cant have a buch of wires sticking out the back. You know? and its pushed as far against the wall as it can be. and i drilled a hole right through the back that attatches to the outlet. and no you are seeing things right in the photo lol that is exactly how it is designed

Is that a pictures of your set up fultono? that is pretty nice. i guess i need to do some rearanging and i guess i could prolly get the power strip outside of the box and just have wires running through the hole i already made. but idk. it just seems like it would be more work and less stealthy having a bunch of cords going into my home made dresser.... lol cause that is what im telling everyone lol


It sticks out about 4 inches from the wwall when it's completely pushed against the wall but 1 inch at least is from the trim so it really isn't that bad. With a couple items on top of it, you wouldn't notice yours.

I just use this box for the seedling stage and then they move to the permanent home which is about the ssame size as yours.


It sticks out about 4 inches from the wwall when it's completely pushed against the wall but 1 inch at least is from the trim so it really isn't that bad. With a couple items on top of it, you wouldn't notice yours.

I just use this box for the seedling stage and then they move to the permanent home which is about the ssame size as yours.
that is pretty nice man i may end up doing that because of space.. and yea haha in a month i prolly will be saying that.. but i have LST the shit outta my plants so far and i dont plan on keeping but one. if any are female. Lets hope at least one is. i started LST at the end of week one and its about two weeks since i germed and they are pretty low so far. i dont plan on them geting really tall.
Im gonna try to move everything out the back today. i just dont want to have to drill a bunch more holes for the back because id have to tote the box to my parents cause i dont have a drill. or a truck at the moment lol but im going to try to put everything through the hole that is already there now and just see how it looks i guess and if i dont like the look of it then i prolly wont do it lol