Need help deciding on a setup for small grow room


Well-Known Member
How big are your plants ,how old , what are you growing in
About 2.5ft atm, and I'm 11 days into flower. I'm growing in a 50/50 coco perlite mix. I dont think I'm going to continue my room with the autopots after this run, I'm going to switch back to RDWC, but I think that the autopots are great for tents.


I was gonna go dwc but I put 2 clones in a dwc and they did not change at all and they ones in grow well powered on 2 clones still in dwc and nothing but root growth for me

Mr Roboto

Well-Known Member
get a dimmable 600 watt electronic ballast and keep it on the 400 watt setting with a 600 watt bulb. You can always go higher at any time just let the bulb cool before firing up the bulb again.