Need help cooling room!


Active Member
Hey guys, first time grower here I have a 3'3/4"(w) X 4(l) X 7(h) grow room that I am using, it's perfect size but the problem is... NO ventalation. I have the walls covered with mylar and I am running a 400w MH right now. I don't want to pay the big money for the water cooling system and there is no way I can duct cool air into the room. I need some alternative method to cool the room (closet). Anyone have any ideas?:confused:


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Hey guys, first time grower here I have a 3'3/4"(w) X 4(l) X 7(h) grow room that I am using, it's perfect size but the problem is... NO ventalation. I have the walls covered with mylar and I am running a 400w MH right now. I don't want to pay the big money for the water cooling system and there is no way I can duct cool air into the room. I need some alternative method to cool the room (closet). Anyone have any ideas?:confused:
Anyway to get a fan or fans oscilating in there?:mrgreen::peace:


Active Member
oh yeah forgot to say... lol I have a osc. fan in there now... still to hot when the closet door is closed


Active Member
cant leave to doors open b/c its in the bedroom and the girlfirend wont put up with the light in the room at night.... nope, no way to vent either.. i have no clue what to do..

oh really???

Well-Known Member
save your plastic containers (like recycle) and put water and freeze them. thery're like portable coolers. they last half the day. put as many as you can fit to lower the temps. my 23 cubic feet needs 3 gallons every 12 hours so thats 6 gallons a 24 hours period. i always have 3 gallons in thefridge. mess around with it and find out what's right for you.
. . . . .i have ventilation though. you really need to read the growfaq on badroom syndrome and look into lightraps for your cab and ventilation.


Active Member
Good idea, I was thinking about using liquid nitrogen to cool the room, but I'm not sure how to do it yet..


Well-Known Member
1)replace the closet door with that "panda cloth" stuff and cut a vent hole.
2)cut a hole in the door.
(or if you rent and cant go swiss-cheezin your door..)
3) go the extra mile: buy a new door and cut a hole in that one. then, replace with the original when your done. no harm done :)

just my thoughts on the matter


Well-Known Member
Its Easy.... Just Go Down To Your Local Supermarket And Buy Some Dry Ice. Pu It In A Container In Front Of Your Fan,and It'll Lower The Temp 10-15 Degrees Or More Depending How Much You Get In There.


Well-Known Member
Its Easy.... Just Go Down To Your Local Supermarket And Buy Some Dry Ice. Pu It In A Container In Front Of Your Fan,and It'll Lower The Temp 10-15 Degrees Or More Depending How Much You Get In There.
wow that sounds expensive to maintain...

I had the same problem, closet grow bright lights that the g/f complained about. In flower it's easier with the shorter light cycle, but what a bitch when you add those 6 hours.

My solution being I was in the same exact boat was that I built a box in the closet (actually 2 chambers) and vented it, able to keep the door open with no light escaping and temps stay around 78 at day and lower at night. It sucks to have to do this because you lose a small about of space, and you have a second door to contend with (I got one of those add a door anywhere zipper tarp things for like $10 bucks and a wood board roof that's also the top chamber floor.

My goal is to cut holes in the floor to the basement and vent a/c in and holes in the attic to vent the hot air out.


Well-Known Member
Maaaan, i had this exact same problem... my room stayed 80-90 on lights on... maybe 78 when lights off... My plants stopped budding 2 weeks before harvest.. still made out good, but i sucked...

Your best bet (due to your situation) is to just leave that door open or cracked... ya gal will just have to put up with it for now, until you go 12/12...

(keep in mind, that i aint shyt... and i loved Mary more than my ex.. i figure, if i can sleep through six hours of 6 42 watts illuminating my room, she can too damnit!... LOL.. sad but true)