this is easy ........u were trying to do a sealed room set up using a portable ac
1 u can not do what u were doing...heat and u forgot the co2
ok to fix this .......u are going to be running a exchange system
1 remove the portable AC they are crap
A get a window shaker
B move the tent to the lower part of the house 2 reason
1 heat raises so if u have the tent in lowest point u will get cooler air for a intake
2 Co2 is heavy gas so it settles in lowest point of house co2 lights on plants happy happy happy
ok now u need to design a air movement path
1 your hood is going to be hooked to a ducting do u need to hide the smell or not ?
2 the tent has flaps with mesh low on them u can remove the cover to it ....if your air path is sucking out on the right side u want to open the left side flap so the air is pulled in and drawls over the plants ....or u can use one of the lower opening for ducting and make a powering intake filter box for it
depending on what u say about the smell control will dictate on what fans u would need to buy
now ducting out to the ejection point .......i would say buy some insulted flexie ducting this way the heat from the tent/light is not exchanged back into the air for in the tent the flexie ducting works fine