Need help choosing the correct lighting in a limited space free standing closet.


The grow size is 20" deep 61" h 36" wide? There are a few 150w hps systems but im not sure. I know the area is short, but i plan to stay away from the sativas, stick just with the indicas. Right now there are two shelves that are 40" up. Thanks

Grow Closet Plans.1.jpg

The photo needs to be rotated. But you can get a gist of what im asking.


I'm lighting an area slightly wider then yours. I started with a 250W and it was sufficient for vegetation growth but when it came time for flowering
I found myself needing more penetration/wattage. Theres not much a price difference between the two, I would go with a 400W HPS.
I also invested in a 4" hi-velocity inline fan for heat control and the added bonus of air circulation(very important).

Also, if your height is an issue get a cool-tub hood. I have one and my plants are literally 1" from the glass and completely fine.


ow.douglas There are two 2x4 with a 13.5" gap between the 2. Otherwise it would be straight across. Clear "light space" would have to be 13" x 36" , thats tight fitting but thats the workable area i have for the light if it is wider that 18" which it will be.