Need help choosing grow medium


Well-Known Member
I am growing Ak47 seeds under a 400watt MH/HPS Light, MH for Veg and HPS for Flower. I don't want to go hydro, so I would love to have some help with choosing the correct Medium and Nutes. Anything would help. I have grown LowLife seeds from dr. chronic in miracle grow, Verm, Perlite mix with good results (good if you consider it was under a 26Watt CFL bulb, in my closet I used no nutes and grew them under a 20/4 light cycle for 9 weeks. Out of 4 females I got almost 2 ounces.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info, Where might I find that? any nute help? for the hundered or so dollars I payed for the seeds, I dont want to chance anything... Ya know.


Well-Known Member

i used peatless soil, Perlite, Clay pebbles, and vermiculite

50% peatless soil 20% Perlite 20% Vermiclute and 10% clay pebbles

very good mix :D


Well-Known Member
well the vermiculite, dosent ahve any nutes its mainly for absorbing nutrients, u dont wanna start using nutes till they have a an established rooting system,a nd can handle, and when u introduce the plants to nutes, start 1/4 strength and work ur way up from there


Well-Known Member
So, I should just add the mix of mediums with no nutes for what, a week or two? And then add the biogrow at 1/4 strength. Should I add the topmax at that point as well.