Need help -- Can't be in my room--Bumming out



So I am Having major issues being able to be in my room for even 30 mins as it feels like when your outside on a summer night and the no see ums (midges) are out. When working for a few hours I come out itching like crazy, my head, skin etc, even through clothing it seems. Making it very unpleasant to be in the room.

I am growing indoors, In soil, in a garage that is separate from the house, in the backyard, pretty well insulated, certainly not air or bug tight by any means but not to bad and will get better (Hepa screens on the way). My plants are just about to be flipped to 12/12. They were obtain from a very reliable source that is not experiencing these issues. I have had them in my beds for 10 days. The soil has sat in my room for 14 days beforehand. I have 5- 4ftx 5 ft beds 6-7 plants per. This is brand new growing medium Fox Farm Happy Frog, Sunshine #4 mix. first run in this medium. I was told to flush with the issues I was having and certainly had the beds a bit too wet for a day or two this was 5 days ago. I have watered once since, yesterday, it needed it.

The plants seem ok thus far growing well, most looking good, new growth looks great - a few things early on that may have just been shock HOPEFULLY Maybe more to come on this... back to the bugs...

I have these sticky's up and am catching these fuckers..are they fungus gnats or midges?

I have sprayed twice with Flying skull nuke 'em. I also have Big time exterminator same ingred. as the nuke .

All natural methods of wiping these bastards out are what I I seeking from you kind souls
Please help me get back to what I love an stop this incessant itching.
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Looks and sounds like fungus gnats....a product like Mosquito Dunks that contain the active ingredient "BTI" is VERY helpful as it's deadly for larvae but not plants. Too moist of soil makes these little buggers thrive.
fungus knats will show up when the soil is damp. The only thing that finally got rid of them in my garden was adding a 1/2 inch top layer of sand. It prevents them from laying eggs. You might want to give that a try. Good luck!
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So I am Having major issues being able to be in my room for even 30 mins as it feels like when your outside on a summer night and the no see ums (midges) are out. When working for a few hours I come out itching like crazy, my head, skin etc, even through clothing it seems. Making it very unpleasant to be in the room.

I am growing indoors, In soil, in a garage that is separate from the house, in the backyard, pretty well insulated, certainly not air or bug tight by any means but not to bad and will get better (Hepa screens on the way). My plants are just about to be flipped to 12/12. They were obtain from a very reliable source that is not experiencing these issues. I have had them in my beds for 10 days. The soil has sat in my room for 14 days beforehand. I have 5- 4ftx 5 ft beds 6-7 plants per. This is brand new growing medium Fox Farm Happy Frog, Sunshine #4 mix. first run in this medium. I was told to flush with the issues I was having and certainly had the beds a bit too wet for a day or two this was 5 days ago. I have watered once since, yesterday, it needed it.

The plants seem ok thus far growing well, most looking good, new growth looks great - a few things early on that may have just been shock HOPEFULLY Maybe more to come on this... back to the bugs...

I have these sticky's up and am catching these fuckers..are they fungus gnats or midges?

I have sprayed twice with Flying skull nuke 'em. I also have Big time exterminator same ingred. as the nuke .

All natural methods of wiping these bastards out are what I I seeking from you kind souls
Please help me get back to what I love an stop this incessant itching.
Try the pest off air blocks. They kill everything
Natural Guard Spinosad Soap. Spinosad takes care of the adults and the insecticidal soap eliminates eggs, larvae and juveniles if you use 2-3oz/gal and drench. I'm with @Red Eyed. You're keeping something in the grow environment way too wet. Do you have a P trap holding stagnant water or are you watering to often causing root damage and attracting the little bastards?
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Looks and sounds like fungus gnats....a product like Mosquito Dunks that contain the active ingredient "BTI" is VERY helpful as it's deadly for larvae but not plants. Too moist of soil makes these little buggers thrive.
Pretty much what I thought. Talked to the people at the company who make the product I have which is BMC microbe lift which is...
Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (BTI) I just sprayed with a diluted mixture of that on the tops of beds. And have been spraying with Flying Skull nuke 'em and Big time exterminator. I also have this BMC as a component of my nute mix.
Natural Guard Spinosad Soap. Spinosad takes care of the adults and the insecticidal soap eliminates eggs, larvae and juveniles if you use 2-3oz/gal and drench. I'm with @Red Eyed. You're keeping something in the grow environment way too wet. Do you have a P trap holding stagnant water or are you watering to often causing root damage and attracting the little bastards?
I had flushed at the advice of a friend as i was having different issues and indeed overwatered which is most likely what happened. Could have been in the soil at purchase, I guess its hard to know. I am staying on the water level now, watering properly and have been spraying with the natural stuff I already have which should do the same as the stuff you are suggesting.

I also have a 55gal can as my water source, which is refilled every 3-4 days, inside the garage hooked up to my automatic watering system. Mixed with nutes and a pump running at all times to keep it moving. I may need to move it into another room outside the grom as it gets hot/humid and I am a bit afraid of mold growth on the power lines to the pumps and even the mix itsself.
Maybe not.
For me, itching was due to fooking Thrips. 2017 outdoor.

Micro needle body bishes. Scope for the little bastards.

Hope you get it sorted.
I use mosquito bits. But I soak them in the water for a day or two. I sprinkled them on top of the plants at first but it seemed to have little effect on them. Watering the pots shifted them. You won’t get rid of all of them but if you try and make a hostile environment for them they’ll go elsewhere. Some people put DE on top of their pots. It’s really sharp and cuts them up so they can’t get to the soil. But when you water it turns to paste and is useless. If you use pumice stones on top that’s sharp and will have the same affect as DE but you can water through it. Good luck.