Need help! (brown spots&curling leaves) w/ pics


Active Member
Hey i need some help, ive got brown spots and my newer leaves are begining to curl under, this seems to be a pretty common problem but im yet to find an answer to it.

I had a small problem with thrips but i got some dont bug me from my local hydro store and the problem seems to no longer be an issue. I sprayed all my girls down with the dont bug me and added some misquito dunks to the soil to eliminate any remaining larve.

But it seems now that some of my plants are developing little brown spots on the leaves as well as leaves curling under on new growth, Ive checked the ph &while the ph of my water seemed a little high 7.5 the ph of the soil came out at an average 6/6.5

Ive also checked the temp in the room &although it runs a little on the high end 85 shouldnt be to hot. &the spots are not simply heat damage from my light(600watt hps) considering the light is a good 2 ft away from the top of the plant.

If anyone could help or has any insite it would be greatly apretiated.

