Need help brown leaf after transplant.


Well-Known Member
why has the plant got water droplets on it? those water droplets will boil under HID lights and cause necrosis on the leaves.

your plant looks fine. stop misting...

if it gets worse post again.


Well-Known Member
It's not the water. Water itself will not boil under a light, nor will it magnify the suns or lights rays. The salt left behind from fertilizers can burn the plant though.


Well-Known Member
It's not the water. Water itself will not boil under a light, nor will it magnify the suns or lights rays. The salt left behind from fertilizers can burn the plant though.
I stand corrected... as the water evaporates it will leave behind salt residue.
pH down used in water is actually a nutrient... unless using RO water it's a pretty safe bet that you shouldn't mist the leaves. I've seen water, misting cause necrotic spotting on several occasions under HID. not to mention too overlapping leaves holding onto water increasing the likelihood of infections.

the plant is otherwise healthy aside from that one leaf... and if it is a nutrient problem then it is a micro one, as in micro-nutrient. I doubt it though, the plant is healthy aside from that one leaf. the plant is wet... it makes sense this is caused by the misting.


Active Member
thanks guys i just usually water it with a spray bottle and get the leaves to. Heard its good for the plant. I use a very low concentration of nutrients. Also The plant is under cfl lights.

thanks for the reply guys. could just be from the transplant. it happend right after i did it.