Definitely have read that post I am just about any other one on Google I have Assisted in about 10 grows and have grown two of my own flawlessly without Ph anything And then using the nutrients I have always used I’m not new to growing just new to nutrient issues that can be caused by over about 100 different factors, most of which are ph levels, salt build up, calcium build up, watering levels and amounts, and excess or deficiency of one nutrient causing excess or deficiency of other nutrients. And from my research almost every nutrient in excess or or in scarce amounts can cause lockout of other nutrients. Which answers why I’m so confused, so irritated with this grow and why I came here for answers. Not being a sick just aggravated I’m being told the same things over and over or being told to reference a fucking book that tells me how to grow weed as if I haven’t done that back when I was 14 fucking years old. Anyone who can actually help me do so. If you gonna be a prick don’t even comment