Need help ASAP!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hello ive got 50 headband kush in a loft there in the second week of flower but they have grown so much taller the past week and now I'm worried there might not be enough room (in the height) left in the loft for them to Finnish off which will be a disaster!!! Is there anything I can do??? Maybe super top them? Or at the worse case cut the tops off now b4 they get to far down the line? Ive got about another foot an a half / 2 foot left


Well-Known Member
Stretch should be pretty close to done...hopefully! You can still super crop them at this point to try to keep em shorter and slow em down. If you can make sure your lights off temp is the same as the lights on temp, this will reduce stretching. The bigger the difference the bigger the stretch.


Well-Known Member
Ok sound thanks mate I'll
Just make sure my inlet goes off with the light then rather than running throughout the night as this will be bringing the temp right down as im running 8am till 8pm so after 8pm the lights go out but the outside air temp will be droppin and if I'm still drawing outside air in that won't be helping

james murphy

Well-Known Member
ya heat and spectrum make it cut em back asap and spread them out a bit..u will solve the stretch problem and yield a more homogenous bud.


Well-Known Member
Can u explain a bit more detail by spectrum do u mean my lights ie 600 watt hps?? An the temp is 32 due to the weather outside has been hot! And by cut them back do u mean cut the tops? And they are due to be spread out anyway


Well-Known Member
You could LST them without causing much of a problem, just pull the top 3 or 4 inch's down 90 degrees. That should gain you at least another 12" of growth height.
but if you start cutting even though you have only just started flowering it will stress them a lot more than they would want.
Good luck with your girls ;)


Well-Known Member
It looks like you might be able to raise your lights A few more inches?
Any luck with any of the ideas man?