Need help asap!

cant really buy new seeds. you think these are lost then? the others arnt that bad I just want to know a way to revive them and get them thriving?


Well-Known Member
Until two days ago? They look to be about 4 days old. I would really want to get them out of the hot mix, but they are tiny and difficult to transplant without fatal damage. Do you not have more seeds? It's not like you've lost much time. If you must carry on with these stop misting, reduce your light levels, water the pots thoroughly and DON"T WATER THEM AGAIN UNTIL THE POTS FEEL LIGHT. Overwatering not only deprives the roots of oxygen by displacing it out of the soil (roots need oxygen) but, in your case, activates more of the nutrient load in the Allmix, compounding your problem with excess nutrients. But the plants need water, so you are a bit stuck. Make sense?
I made my recommendations here. Good luck. I'll add this: next time you have twenty seeds and no experience, don't germinate all of them. Sorry, I hope things work out.
so my best bet is to let them dry a little? and don't mist? as u don't think transplanting is a good idea? Im used to hydro not soil.
U think a good flush of water thats stopd for 24 hrs and at ph 6.5 wil do the trick. Even if i have to wait for couple week? And some canna start to kick some life back into them?


keep putting the light to them they will either take off like hu hu... see what i did there :mrgreen: ...or they will die


Well-Known Member
I will tell you something, NEVER FLUSH if you do you will release more nutrients to the soil and make it a bad environment for the roots try to mix some B complex for your roots that might help also.

  • Originally Posted by shnkrmn
    Until two days ago? They look to be about 4 days old. I would really want to get them out of the hot mix, but they are tiny and difficult to transplant without fatal damage. Do you not have more seeds? It's not like you've lost much time. If you must carry on with these stop misting, reduce your light levels, water the pots thoroughly and DON"T WATER THEM AGAIN UNTIL THE POTS FEEL LIGHT. Overwatering not only deprives the roots of oxygen by displacing it out of the soil (roots need oxygen) but, in your case, activates more of the nutrient load in the Allmix, compounding your problem with excess nutrients. But the plants need water, so you are a bit stuck. Make sense?
