Need help ASAP


Just put vinegar in with my plants to get rid of gnats but the whole room smells really strong like vinegar will my plant pick up the smell is my question or do i have nothing to worry about THX


what? Vinegar to kill gnats? Dude, use mosquito dunks. They are a couple dollars at homedepot. Justtear off a quarter of a dunk and let it sit in your water overnight. When you water, the gnats larvae wont be able to live in the soil. After about 36 hours, no gnats. Just give it the dunks like once every 4-5 weeks. Like after a flush? or ever every other flush?

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
no it wont effect yur cabbage patch just smells the room up alot lol

did you jus put it in some lil trays near the plants? if so yur ok


also for gnats, pour some ground cinnamin on the soil and slice a potato a few times. put 1/4" slices on top of your soil. The larvae will begin to surface and devour the potato. Every day throw away the slices and put new ones in the container.
This + BT mosquito dunks + a small jar of sweet coffee and honey near your plants for a trap, will rid you of gnats. Plus spray your plants with neem oil. Walmart has a GardenSafe brand of neem oil extract that works pretty good on all kinds of bugs.


Active Member
IMO and personal exp with soil gnats I would go old school with some classic neem oil. By it and mix 1.5 or 1 and 1/2 teaspoons of neem and 1/2 teaspoon of dish liquid perf. Palmolive with 4 cups water and soil drench your plants lightly, This is an organic solution and works by far the best and is not that strong in smell, to us Humans. Just my two American dollars.
But what ever works is the main thing, as far as the smell and taste of vinegar I have no clue keep me updated and let me know if it does.


Well-Known Member
For Fungus gnats, subcool suggested covering up the grow medium with, well anything. They lay their eggs in the top 1/4 inch of soil. No eggs. No gnats.