Need help asap


So i planed some seeds like 5 or 6 days a go
but now i got some clones so i got rid of the seeds.

Too of my clones are like 10 inches the rest are only 3-4 inches tall.

I put them in 5 gallon buckets.
Did i put them in them to soon???

I water them every day with like 32oz of good water.
Am i watering them to much??

I have a 1,000 watt metal halide on them one little clip on fan and a box fan as a outtake fan.

Is this a good ventilation system Its in a 2x10 and like 7 foot tall.

What kind of bug killer shit do i need. or need any yet

How do i made clones???
when can i start cloning???
is it hard to clone???
what do i need to start cloning???

What else do i need???
what else do i need to know???


Well-Known Member
you need a bigger fan. Don't watter them that often unless they need it. You water them when the soil is comlpetly dry. put your thumb into the soil if its dry all they way through then it needs to be watered. you wont need any bug killer yet make sure your room is very very clean. scrub that room down. with water and alchol and soap. how long were the roots when you put them into the pots?


you need a bigger fan. Don't watter them that often unless they need it. You water them when the soil is comlpetly dry. put your thumb into the soil if its dry all they way through then it needs to be watered. you wont need any bug killer yet make sure your room is very very clean. scrub that room down. with water and alchol and soap. how long were the roots when you put them into the pots?
they hit the bottom of the 4in x 4in tub


Well-Known Member
So i planed some seeds like 5 or 6 days a go
but now i got some clones so i got rid of the seeds.

Too of my clones are like 10 inches the rest are only 3-4 inches tall.

I put them in 5 gallon buckets.
Did i put them in them to soon???

I water them every day with like 32oz of good water.
Am i watering them to much??

I have a 1,000 watt metal halide on them one little clip on fan and a box fan as a outtake fan.

Is this a good ventilation system Its in a 2x10 and like 7 foot tall.

What kind of bug killer shit do i need. or need any yet

How do i made clones???
when can i start cloning???
is it hard to clone???
what do i need to start cloning???

What else do i need???
what else do i need to know???
why did u get rid of the seeds
no you didnt put em in 5 gal buckets too early
yes ur watering too much
and all u need to kno about cloning is right here
That's alot of questions....uhhhmm......cloning isnt hard. at all. people like to pretend it is because they think they have skills. about as easy as doing up velcro shoes. Were your clones already rooted? becuase you should wait until they have a good root system to put them into bigger buckets. Watering..well i dont know how much 32 oucnes is but i generally water 2-4 litres per 5 gallon pot, letting the water drain out the bottom. then i wait until the soil is pretty dry. if the soil is constantly wet, you will get mold. a little mold isnt a big deal but if it gets out of hand, you dont want to be smoking moldy weed. that little fan doesnt sound like enough i would get a bigger one.


Well-Known Member
you will get mold. a little mold isnt a big deal but if it gets out of hand, you dont want to be smoking moldy weed. that little fan doesnt sound like enough i would get a bigger one.
lol a lil mold is a big deal. and if u over water to much u get root rot. and ur plant will stress and wont grow as much and well just isnt good at all


Active Member
didn't read the whole thread so idk if anyone told u yet but you are watering way too much dude, don't water every day. i learned that the hard way lol.