need help asap. plants look as if it was dying


Active Member
hey everyone walked into the grow room one night and 3 outta 58 plants with wilting leafs. week 4 flowering
heres my setup

4k watts aircooled lamps with carbon filter
80-82 degrees at night

general hydro micro, gro and bloom
floralious bloom, kool bloom
ph level at 6.4 in hydro top feed system. ppm at 1009-1010 with 50 gal resouver View attachment 1015558View attachment 1015559can someone tell me what i should do?


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure because I've never grown hydro, but isn't pH 6.4 way too high for a hydro grow? I think 5.8 is the magic number you're looking for. Those also seem to have the "nitrogen claw" like they are getting overfertilized but it could just be because the pH is too high. Check out this chart for nutrient availability in soil and hydro. Use the bottom chart for hydro:



Looks like overwatering to me...(and hence over fertilizing) whats your grow medium? If your in rock wool feed once every 4 hours when the lights are on for 15 minutes a time. Change your water now, flush the plants and then refill the tank and set your timers at the intervals above for the water.


Active Member
im growing on rockwool. i only feed it 2 times a day for 2 minutes each time. once at night and once in the morning. should i adjust the ph a little bit? what would be the best ph level i should be at for hydro?


Well-Known Member
Dude did you not see the post above about nutrient availability in hydro?

even i saw it 5.8 is your magic number.

Make sure you read all your posts.



Well-Known Member
hey everyone walked into the grow room one night and 3 outta 58 plants with wilting leafs. week 4 flowering
heres my setup

4k watts aircooled lamps with carbon filter
80-82 degrees at night

general hydro micro, gro and bloom
floralious bloom, kool bloom
ph level at 6.4 in hydro top feed system. ppm at 1009-1010 with 50 gal resouver View attachment 1015558View attachment 1015559can someone tell me what i should do?
I Had 4 plants last grow looking EXACTLY and I mean EXACTLY the like urs. I never got rid of that problem. Those plants yielded almost nothing. I don't know wut was the deal with them. Not over watering, Not PH, not ferts, none of that.


Active Member
the only thing is their 3/58 plants i have thats having that type of problem. everyone of em look healthy.


Check the root system, if they aint white they are not right - PH is critical and rockwool needs to run at 5.8 - calibrate your PH meter to make sure its right (this one caught me a few years back) then flush and fill the system. Use some Canna Rizotonic to help restore some vigour.

If the roots are brown, swollen or ragged it may be root disease - this could be fungal or contagion. If so use an antifungal rinse and check for genetic defects.

Check the temperature of your water too - anything below 15c and above 25c is bad for the roots - I run a water cooler and keep the temp at 20c always


Active Member
Thx u have been very helpful. Do u think this can be a nitrogen deficiecy also? Since its showing clawing looking fan leaves.


Well-Known Member
Thx u have been very helpful. Do u think this can be a nitrogen deficiecy also? Since its showing clawing looking fan leaves.
Look at the pix and the plants that I drew a box around them does that look like what u got????
As I mentioned b4 I had teh very exact(At least extremely similar) problem. Look at these pix U'll c what I'm talking about. They flowered very little, Produced very little trichs, So I couldn't even make hash outta them. They developed this about 3 weeks into veg and satayed light that for ever. It happened to 3 or 4 of my plants. I transplanted them, flushed them, changed lighting on them, Nothing fixed it. I fope thats not ur issue but its very similar to mine. I say if they stay that way for a couple more weeks and nothing changed and if you can use the space for something else get rid of them.



Well-Known Member
Downward clawing fan leaves is a sign of nitrogen overdose, not nitrogen deficiency.

The plant with the box around it in the 2nd picture looks like it is overfertilized, too much Nitrogen during the budding phase. It's just a guess without knowing any of your information but it is dark green and downward claw, too much Nitrogen's usually why.

I don't know about the first picture, always make sure you turn off your HPS light and use a regular light so we can see the colors and shades correctly.


Well-Known Member
Downward clawing fan leaves is a sign of nitrogen overdose, not nitrogen deficiency.

The plant with the box around it in the 2nd picture looks like it is overfertilized, too much Nitrogen during the budding phase. It's just a guess without knowing any of your information but it is dark green and downward claw, too much Nitrogen's usually why.

I don't know about the first picture, always make sure you turn off your HPS light and use a regular light so we can see the colors and shades correctly.
those plants look like that since 2nd or 3rd week in veging, I watered all the same how could only 3 have this problem and the 3 from the same strain???


Well-Known Member
those plants look like that since 2nd or 3rd week in veging, I watered all the same how could only 3 have this problem and the 3 from the same strain???
Once the leaves have been damaged, clawed in your cases, they will remain damaged the rest of the grow. No matter what you do. You both have plants overdosed on Nitrogen. And even within a strain there are different phenos.


Well-Known Member
Once the leaves have been damaged, clawed in your cases, they will remain damaged the rest of the grow. No matter what you do. You both have plants overdosed on Nitrogen. And even within a strain there are different phenos.
"they will remain damaged the rest of the grow" Are U saying those leaves will stay damged or every new leaf will look like that too? Again how could this only happen to 3 plants with same condition as all others???? BTW those leaves weren't really dark green like most Nitrogen overdose cases, they had a normal green color to them, They turned dark green as they starded feeling DRY. I like to know what happened to them if yall could help.


Well-Known Member
"they will remain damaged the rest of the grow" Are U saying those leaves will stay damged or every new leaf will look like that too? Again how could this only happen to 3 plants with same condition as all others???? BTW those leaves weren't really dark green like most Nitrogen overdose cases, they had a normal green color to them, They turned dark green as they starded feeling DRY. I like to know what happened to them if yall could help.
Only the leaves affected will remain clawed. And possibly some new growth until it clears. Again like I said, you can have different pheno types within a strain. And even with clones you can have a few that do not respond to feedings the same as the rest. Dark green huh. And turned dark green as they began to claw. Then got brittle. You just answered your own question. The same one you have been givin an answer too a couple of times already in this thread before me. And if you would like to know what happened too them. Re-read this thread. That question has been answered many times already. But obviously its not the answer you are looking for. So here is the answer you are looking for. Feed those fuckers, they are starving. No doubt they are lacking nitrogen. Probaly P and K also. Better up fert rate by at least twice. Feel better now?