Need Help Asap! Marijuana Plant Disease!

This is my first grow and my babies have been doing good so far until last night i think i over nute them. I gave the plants some dissolve epsom salt & that doesnt seem to be working so well. Any advice? The temps where a little high the past few days but i lowered the temp to 82.


Well-Known Member
You really dont need to give baby plants extra nutes whatsoever. The nutrients that are already in the soil are more than enough for seedlings.

I would flush with straight water and use only water whenever you water them for awhile.

Do you already have an HPS on them? If an hps is the only light you have then make sure it is plenty far away from the babies.


Well-Known Member
i would ask how much epsom salt you used - that probably wasn't a good thing to do
such a small plant would have been unlikely to used up the magnesium in the soil
im using a 250wMH, & its about 12inches away. I used half a tea spoon for a gallon. The seedlings are about 3 days & 1 month old.


Well-Known Member
i think that was a relatively 'hot' amount of epsom salt, but that's from memory, i used the stuff once for a plant problem(didn't help)
you might flush as chillwills suggested, could transplant to new soil, which is more drastic, but does create a clean slate


Active Member
Check your ph too, an often overlooked issue that causes many, many problems! I know from experience. I had major issues until I checked my ph and found it was really high. Ever since then growing has been a breeze! You want it around 6- 6.5 any higher and you get nute lock. Best of luck!

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
Flush, raise the lights another 6 to 12 inches. No way plants that small used up all the magnesium in the soil. what prompted you to add epsom salt ?