Need Help/Advice

d r0cK

Well-Known Member
Ok so these are on their 5th week of flowering. As you can see they have some problems. I use tap water and Botanicare's Pro Bloom Solution, according to the directions on the bottle, and then PH Down my feed to 6.5. I am using Fox Farm's Happy Frog soil medium. I feed them every few days when the pots feel light or as needed. My ppm count of the tap water is usually around 430, when I add the nutrients it goes up to about 1200. Yesterday I flushed all 4 pots with 2 gallons of PH 6.5 tap water, and I plan on doing the same today to make sure they have been properly flushed. Are they nutrient deficient or do they need more? Thanks in advance.



Well-Known Member
They don't look bad, BUT, I have to warn you that 430 PPM is waaaaay too high for growing, more than double the recommended max. It's likely making nutes difficult to absorb, keeping them semi-locked. For that reason, it's hard to say whether they are underfed, or just need the nutes that are in there, to be more easily accessible. It'd be a really good idea to seek another supply of water, or some kind of filtration routine.

d r0cK

Well-Known Member
Ok, do I need to get a Reverse Osmosis or will I be ok with getting something simple like a Brita water filter or even an undersink 2 stage water filter? i tested my refrigerator and it comes out at 389 ppm sooo..... its better than the tap, but it will also take me 2 days to fill up a gallon jug lol. Trying not to spend a fortune here, as I am limited to funds for this project.


Well-Known Member
^Honestly, I don't know a whole lot about filtering water, and how much trouble it is. I happen to be lucky enough to have tapwater with only 35 PPM, and a constant 6.8 PH. :wink:

Is it possible that you have any natural spring water nearby? That'd save you alot of time, I think. As far as the brita, IDK. Hopefully, someone else with your problem will chime in, and give you some advice, and the easiest way to beat it. Buying bottled water can be expensive, I know. I'm always thankful I don't have to go that route. :)


Well-Known Member
Why the flush? They look good to me bro.. What size pots you got those in?

d r0cK

Well-Known Member
Wasn't sure if it was an overdose or not, so just to be safe i flushed. Today I purchased an RO system from Lowes. A buddy of mine took 2 of my other girls that I had going, using the same methods other than he has filtered water and I've been using tap water. The plants he got from me are looking perfect, mine are showing all sorts of what seem to be nutrient problems, probably lock out due to the high ppm in the tap water.

d r0cK

Well-Known Member
They are all in 2 gallon pots, about 14" tall.
8 - 23w 2700k
2 - 23w 3500k
2 - 23w 5500k
Foxfarm Happy Frog Soil
Botanicare Pro Bloom