Well-Known Member
Facts about setup:
Two 7 gallon DWC bubbler setups under 270 Watt Superagro HPS bulb. Well ventilated at 76 - 77 degrees / 40% RH on 18/6 light cycle. 3 Mandala Satori, 1 Mandala Hashberry started from seeds. Plants first poked their heads up about 2 weeks ago and they've been growing quickly. R/O water with Botanicare supplements (Pro Grow, Liquid Karma, Hydroguard, Cal Mag). Started out with 1/4 recommended dosage for seedlings/clones for first week of growth and everthing was fine. (Ph was in 5.8 - 6.0 range and TDS PPMs were in the 300 range'). Did reservoir change and kicked it up to about 2/3 strength of recommended dosage for vegetative (about 4 days ago when plants got their 4th and 5th sets of leaves). Ph was kept in the 5.8 - 6.0 range and PPMs were brought up to the 850ish level (At recommended dosage it would have been well over 1000, but I've been trying to keep it conservative on nute strength). About 2 - 3 days ago, I started to notice signs of nute toxicity and overwatering with droopy looking plants and leaves showing "The Claw" look. I have since diluted the nutes down to the 650 PPM range and have added 2 more airstones (4 total now, 1 under each plant). The additional airstones perked the plants up temporarily, but a couple have since started looking droopy again. Also, newer and older leaves are getting wrinkly looking and they are curling inward with the claw look.
Plants are shown in order as follows: Hashberry /Satori 1 / Satori 2 / Satori 3
Any advice? I've tried to be so careful and conservative about not overdoing the nutes and I've been very diligent about Ph, Temp, Ventilation, PPMs, etc
Two 7 gallon DWC bubbler setups under 270 Watt Superagro HPS bulb. Well ventilated at 76 - 77 degrees / 40% RH on 18/6 light cycle. 3 Mandala Satori, 1 Mandala Hashberry started from seeds. Plants first poked their heads up about 2 weeks ago and they've been growing quickly. R/O water with Botanicare supplements (Pro Grow, Liquid Karma, Hydroguard, Cal Mag). Started out with 1/4 recommended dosage for seedlings/clones for first week of growth and everthing was fine. (Ph was in 5.8 - 6.0 range and TDS PPMs were in the 300 range'). Did reservoir change and kicked it up to about 2/3 strength of recommended dosage for vegetative (about 4 days ago when plants got their 4th and 5th sets of leaves). Ph was kept in the 5.8 - 6.0 range and PPMs were brought up to the 850ish level (At recommended dosage it would have been well over 1000, but I've been trying to keep it conservative on nute strength). About 2 - 3 days ago, I started to notice signs of nute toxicity and overwatering with droopy looking plants and leaves showing "The Claw" look. I have since diluted the nutes down to the 650 PPM range and have added 2 more airstones (4 total now, 1 under each plant). The additional airstones perked the plants up temporarily, but a couple have since started looking droopy again. Also, newer and older leaves are getting wrinkly looking and they are curling inward with the claw look.
Plants are shown in order as follows: Hashberry /Satori 1 / Satori 2 / Satori 3
Any advice? I've tried to be so careful and conservative about not overdoing the nutes and I've been very diligent about Ph, Temp, Ventilation, PPMs, etc