Need help adice


Well-Known Member
jus got 6 cuttings, the guy said they was ready for pots, but since i put em pots they ahve lost life, there under 24h 600w mh!! this is the first night i hope there ok?


Well-Known Member
right thanx matey no pictures but the fan leaves have curled round and are drying up,, id say its the light its too powerful and is zappin to much enegry, the klight has been on all night and i went n check on em jus now and thats whats happens 2 look ok but 4 of em are limp and the main leave are curled up, i think this is bound to happen on cuttins as the nw groeth looks fine !! im jsu worried about the cuttins


Well-Known Member
ive turnt the light off, ba dmistake or nto so, becaus ei feelt hey need some dark to heal properly, they looked on their way out except 2


Well-Known Member
did the cuttings already have roots?how close did you have ya light?did you put any rooting gel or powder on the bottom of the cutting first?you should of put um in starter cubes for cuttings until the had some good roots,,,,peace


Well-Known Member
i cud not see the roots thats what i wa sthinking, i never rooted em, they come in rock wool cubes, lil ones, no roots showing, , the F88ker aid there ready for pots the light is about 16 inches away
and a fan is blowing int he gap bewteen light and plant, i honestly think they wasnht rooted


Well-Known Member
have you givin um any nutrients for cuttings to help um establish good strong healthy roots,,,yeh cuttings often are droopy at first,,but once they get used to their new inviroment they should start to perk up within a few days,,,i think you shoud raise ya light up more to about 24" just for a few days and then lower it bit by bit just to give um time to get used to it,,,


Well-Known Member
ok mate thanx ill get some rooot help today!!! ill make teh light higher now, shud i leave it off for a few hours, coz my mate said leave it on 24 hours but it was crispy em so a few hours dark will help em ?


Well-Known Member
fit was that guy i ahd a feeling they wanst roooted that guy will get his face smashed in now 30 quid for 6 clones that waqnst rooted!!!


Well-Known Member
so u think they will die, or not i dont think they was rooted at all, and there in rockwoll cubes, in soil mix, the light is off has been for 4 hours now ill turn it back on see if they tak any betetr and ill move the light up from em


Well-Known Member
well luckily the light has been off 6 hours and 5 are back to life, 1 is still down but i put the light over 24 inches away i hope there fine any help?


Well-Known Member
well luckily the light has been off 6 hours and 5 are back to life, 1 is still down but i put the light over 24 inches away i hope there fine any help?
I had the same problem, it was the 1000w light at about 48" away. Thought they would all die. Turned off the HID and went back to some old 4' gro fluorescents, no nutes. They all came back and are just beautiful now.
The problem is the roots are not developed enough to deliver more water than than the hot lights are evaporating off the leaves. Poof, wilting plants. They do need light though.
I recommend the 24" T5 gro fluorescents, About $25USe. Wait til the roots are developed then go back to that HID bad boy.


Well-Known Member
yes but i didnt know they was clones the guy said they was ready for pots, already rooted, i think they ahd roots jus very little, and the 600w mh sucke dteh life outta em, but there doing great noe theve had 6 hours reast and are coming back nicely, even grown a lil bit :D


Well-Known Member
u shud see em now matey check my jounal, there 8 days old form cuttings ive had em 6 days and they have lots of roots now, they have out grown those pots already :S