Need help, a few bits of it


Ok, since I lost my job RIGHT before I decided to start growing (imagine that), I'm growing on a VERY tight budget. So tight, all I could afford was a 26w CFL @ 1800 Lumens and a 2700 color range.
My plant is stretched, but it suddenly stopped growing OUT. I have a very strange (ahem) feeling that it has to do with these.... abberations.... happening to my plants.
There's brown spots appearing. I had some bugs on the leaves (NOT mites), little flying bastards with no identification, and I had assumed they were causing the browning, but, now that there's no sign of them, and the marks are spreading, I have to ask for help (again).
I have some pics for you, they're linked in the thumbnails because this old stoner does not know how to direct link images.

Edit: Should mention that I cannot supply you with relative humidity, PH, or a better picture, my camera sucks and I'm poor. No nutrients.


L Cap

Active Member
and you should be using 6500k bulbs for veg instead of that 2700k. the 2700k you will use for flowering.
PH control is a must. If you cant spend a dollar, let the water you use sit out for a day so the chlorine can evaporate.


Yes, I know I need better, but I just don't have it. The tap water is put into old bottles and left uncapped for around a week. At that point, I screw on a slow watering cap (bottle cap with holes poked in it to not disrupt the roots / soil as much when I water). As for lights, it's what I've got, it's all I can use.
The issue I'm asking about is the leave problem, not the low growth problem.


Outside growing isn't an option, this is Chile country, and pests eat any plants I place outdoors within a few days, regardless of measures (except netting, again, poor, can't afford it.
NTM it gets 100+ consistantly with spotty rain or cloud coverage, and you have to wait til near October here to harvest. I'm a medical patient and can't be waiting that long.

L Cap

Active Member
the brow spots will never get better. if you cant get enough light and the correct supplies then dont waste your time. Im not trying to be a dick but you will NOT grow anything with 1 cfl.


Ok, so you're saying the spots are from lack of light?

This isn't my very first grow. Back when I was a wee pup, my father and I used to grow all the time. Shit, we used to use fish tank lights, which put out WAY less light than a single CFL. We didn't grow enough to sell, but we grew enough to smoke. I don't give one about optimum grows, what I really care about is these browning areas. If the issue causing them to brown is indeed light, I'll figure something out. If it isn't, I'd like to know what is.