Need help!!! 1st grow 5 weeks veg

Started a new grow but half of my plants are dying/drooping i realised my ph tester was out by 3.0 above what it should be i fed them with normal ph after this they perked up but then they went back droopy so my temp was 90 dgrees f but the other half arnt drooping as bad sorted ventilation but they still the same anyone have any idea?? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Started a new grow but half of my plants are dying/drooping i realised my ph tester was out by 3.0 above what it should be i fed them with normal ph after this they perked up but then they went back droopy so my temp was 90 dgrees f but the other half arnt drooping as bad sorted ventilation but they still the same anyone have any idea?? Thanks.
Hey bud its really hard for anyone to help you out without giving more information that what you have described.

Start with these basic questions. And pictures are always very helpful.

What medium are you using (if using bagged mix what brand and type).
Room temp and humidity.
How old are plants. What week are you in.
What nutrients you are using (brand) and PPM (how much) and PH of solution.
How often are you watering.

Lets start with this and a couple of pictures and I can help you out. Well get to the bottom of this. I think I may already have an idea but give me that info and we can go from there.
Hey bud its really hard for anyone to help you out without giving more information that what you have described.

Start with these basic questions. And pictures are always very helpful.

What medium are you using (if using bagged mix what brand and type).
Room temp and humidity.
How old are plants. What week are you in.
What nutrients you are using (brand) and PPM (how much) and PH of solution.
How often are you watering.

Lets start with this and a couple of pictures and I can help you out. Well get to the bottom of this. I think I may already have an idea but give me that info and we can go from there.
Thanks for reply i have a 1.2 x 1.2 x 2.0 tent im using 600 hps also they are about 7 weeks from seed tenp atm is 87 f and humidity goes from 50-30 my ph tester was faulty so i was giving them 3.0 over what they shoukd of been but fee them 3 days ago and they perkd up but now they have gone drooped again only 3 out of 7 plants are droopd when i have done exactly same for them all.



Well-Known Member
First cut back on nutrients those def overfed they are way to dark. Just give em ph balanced water for a few feedings. Your growing in coco? They need be watered alost everyday sometime twice a day especially hot like that.

You need get that temp down under 80 and get your humidity up to around 60 in veg. They look like they are thirsty and need watering.


Well-Known Member
Feeding wrong ph a few times aint gonna do shit. If u have a good soil or mix it has buffers in it to stabilize the ph dont worry about that. Your fine. Hit em w straight ph water for a few times and you be good and cut back on nutes they wont need any for awhile. Let em lighten up a lil before you resume feedings you be all set
First cut back on nutrients those def overfed they are way to dark. Just give em ph balanced water for a few feedings. Your growing in coco? They need be watered alost everyday sometime twice a day especially hot like that.

You need get that temp down under 80 and get your humidity up to around 60 in veg. They look like they are thirsty and need watering.
Thats what i dont get cause pots are lil heavy only giving them 1 feed 1 water 20ml of feed each time. Il just water them for abit see if they improve.


Well-Known Member
Thats what i dont get cause pots are lil heavy only giving them 1 feed 1 water 20ml of feed each time. Il just water them for abit see if they improve.

What nutrients you using? 20 ml sounds very high regardless even if organics those plants arent that big


Well-Known Member
Im just trying to sort deficencies then going to switch? Do you think they ready once healthy?
Depends what your trying to do. What size room, what size light or lights? How many plants etc..

If u grew from seed i would wait til they start throwin pistils out thats when they are fully mature and ready for bloom.


Well-Known Member
Im just trying to sort deficencies then going to switch? Do you think they ready once healthy?
You dont got def your overfeeding just water for a week your good. Than go to half strength and wait til they start showing signs of being mature than you can flip em. You can flip at anytime but when i grow from seed i always wait til they ready. After u take clones than those are already matured and be same age as mother you can flip those whenever.
Depends what your trying to do. What size room, what size light or lights? How many plants etc..

If u grew from seed i would wait til they start throwin pistils out thats when they are fully mature and ready for bloom.
Yeah they have been from seed they are goving off pistons already bro. Thanks for all your advice well appreciated il try what u guts have said see what happens.


Well-Known Member
Yeah they have been from seed they are goving off pistons already bro. Thanks for all your advice well appreciated il try what u guts have said see what happens.
Oh well if they throwin pistils than they are maturing they gonna start to stink and that a good sign for yah than brotha