Need help. 1 plant way to big?!


Like the title says i have 1 plant that is a little over 3ft tall, all my other plants are around 2ft... Soo my problem is that the light is at a perfect height for 90% of the plants. The problem plant stretched way to much and now its main cola is higher then my 600watt hps. I dont want to bend her cause her stems are pretty stiff already... 4th week into flowering. Shes in a pot of soil, should i just tilt the pot over onto a 45 degree angle?


^ yaa i could but i have a 600watt hps that uses a ton of electricity and a bunch more lumens more then a cfl. But its defenitly an option... any other ideas?


Well-Known Member
Even though your stem is pretty stiff, you can still bend it, lightly move it back and forth several times until the stem loosens up (be very careful) and you should eventually be able to bend it comfortably. You should even tie it down to hold it in place and this method is called LST, which will get you more yield as well.


i know about lst im just afraid itll brake the stem this late in the plants life... i guess ill give it a go though, if i think its gunna break ill just leave her for now.