Need Growroom Setup Help


Well-Known Member
Hey rollitup, I've been on this site for a while watching a couple grows and trying to learn as much as I can about growing.
I'm fairly new to indoor growing (I've done outdoor but nothing too big), and I recently rented a small warehouse space (it's upstairs so it's kind of like an attic and insulation can kind of be a problem) and trying to figure out what would be the best way to set up my rooms having a veg and flowering room (if this can be answered: how many plants can i grow within this space?) . I'm also trying to figure out what the most efficient cycle would be to harvest every 2 months.

Dimension of the rooms:
Room #1:
Width/length: 11' 3" x 12' 7"
Height: 11' 3"

Room #2:
Width/length: 19'2" x 7' 6"
Height: 11' 3"

I also have 2 tents.
Dimesions: 8x4 Height: 7ft

I have currently have 4 600w HPS lamps and 4 1000w lamps. I can buy more/different lights if needed.
Please help. I'm really trying to start my grow as soon as possible. Thanks in advance and happy growing for a happy new years!


Well-Known Member
think about heat and that space you wont need all those lights itll burn the plants up and possibly everything else to. look at ventilation air in and air out helps cool as well as supplement co2. there are ways on here to harvest every 30 days. i suggest trying some auto flowers. usually 70-80 days start to finish and decent bud. prime enviromnment is the key. and you can get as many plants as your comfortable with in that kinda space. my rooms half the size and ive had 25 in it at once.


Well-Known Member
think about heat and that space you wont need all those lights itll burn the plants up and possibly everything else to. look at ventilation air in and air out helps cool as well as supplement co2. there are ways on here to harvest every 30 days. i suggest trying some auto flowers. usually 70-80 days start to finish and decent bud. prime enviromnment is the key. and you can get as many plants as your comfortable with in that kinda space. my rooms half the size and ive had 25 in it at once.
Well how many in and out fans would i have to have to pump that much air in and out of the room?


Well-Known Member
Dimensions of the rooms... Room 1 can fit 6 1000w lights, Room 2 can fit 8, but they will be wasting some light in room 2 since you'll need an isle space... instead of covering 4ft, they'll only cover about 2.75ft wide x 4ft length... a real waste...

to cool them and fix smell, you'll need 2 10" max-fan's with carbon scrubbers for exhaust for each room, and also put a empty 14" duct out to wherever area is cooler for the negative pressure to draw the air in from there... such as a lower room where it's cold...

I'd suggest you try 6 lights on room 1 and 4 lights on one wall with room 2...



Well-Known Member
Hmm.. okay... I'll invest in the fans and the duct... Also, what would be the best way to create a 8week veg/8 week flowering cycle?
Like what should the dimensions of the veg room and 12/12 room be and where should they all fit in..? Like should room 2 be the flowering room or room 1? Or should I use room 2 and part of room 1 for the 12/12 room and use the rest of room 1 as the veg?


Well-Known Member
Hmm.. okay... I'll invest in the fans and the duct... Also, what would be the best way to create a 8week veg/8 week flowering cycle?
Like what should the dimensions of the veg room and 12/12 room be and where should they all fit in..? Like should room 2 be the flowering room or room 1? Or should I use room 2 and part of room 1 for the 12/12 room and use the rest of room 1 as the veg?
why in the heck would you do a 8 week veg... are you limited to 6 plants? if that's the case, it' take awhile to set it up right, but you won't get anything for awhile, but you could set it up so that your pulling down 1 plant per light each month (3 lights a month) in the 6 light room... lots of work

6 lights in room B, 12 plants per light = 72plants... 1.5-2 week veg, flower for at least 1lb per light. with no effort (get dim-able ballasts, set to 600w for the veg to save electric bill)
4 lights in the other room, use them to flower as well or keep a couple mothers and veg with them... your choice...

remember, your going to have to wire up those lights, make sure not to overload your pannel...

also if you decide to do those all as flowering, do them on a flip... 6 lights on 11hrs, then the other 4 on the other 11hrs with a hr in between...


Well-Known Member
San Francisco
Patients allowed up to 24 plants or 25 square feet of canopy; dispensary gardens capped at 99 plants in 100 square feet. Possession limit 8 oz. dried cannabis per patient. See p. 44 of the ordinance.


Well-Known Member
San Francisco
Patients allowed up to 24 plants or 25 square feet of canopy; dispensary gardens capped at 99 plants in 100 square feet. Possession limit 8 oz. dried cannabis per patient. See p. 44 of the ordinance.
I currently reside in Oakland and am growing there so I am able to grow 72 plants (I also have a buddy of mine working with me on this grow-op who is also a patient from oakland).


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I've been a bit tied up with work lately so I apologize for the late reply.
I wanted to ask how big should the canopy space for each light be for veg/flower? 4x4 for veg and 5x5 for flower? A buddy of mine gave me those statistics, so please correct me if I'm wrong. Once again, I've only grown indoors with the exception of growing on plant in a closet grow, so I'm not very knowledgable about this subject.

Also, thanks for all of the great advice given so far.


Well-Known Member
ok... so if your sticking to 72...

I'd run 4 lights in each room, (2 4x8 trays in each room)

9 plants per light,

veg 2-2.5 weeks under 600w

Flower on a flip (one room on at night/ one on during day)

Don't worry about clone/mother for now... you'll be able to get plenty of decent clones all around Oakland...

buy 2 8" max-fans and carbon scrubbers for each room (so smell doesn't bother neighbors)

duct both 8" fans back to a 10" ducting out to a box before going to roof

Run 12" Ducting From Somewhere cool for fresh air intake (intake fan not needed) Negative pressure will pull air in fine

that should keep the whole place cool and mostly smell free


Well-Known Member
ok... so if your sticking to 72...

I'd run 4 lights in each room, (2 4x8 trays in each room)

9 plants per light,

veg 2-2.5 weeks under 600w

Flower on a flip (one room on at night/ one on during day)

Don't worry about clone/mother for now... you'll be able to get plenty of decent clones all around Oakland...

buy 2 8" max-fans and carbon scrubbers for each room (so smell doesn't bother neighbors)

duct both 8" fans back to a 10" ducting out to a box before going to roof

Run 12" Ducting From Somewhere cool for fresh air intake (intake fan not needed) Negative pressure will pull air in fine

that should keep the whole place cool and mostly smell free
Thank you all for all of the great help in my setup! I'm almost done with my set up, I'll upload a couple pics of the set up in a couple days when it's all done. Probably on monday. Then I'll be able to start a grow journal! (I've always wanted to, but never really wanted to with my outdoor plants. Probably because I'm just so used to seeing them grow and what not)
Once again, thanks, and happy smokin!