Need for a jewelers loop?


So, I'm about halfway through the flowering phase and I'm starting to see frost form. I currently have a regular magnifying glass and I am wondering, is a jewelers loop necessary? Or will I be able to get away with just a magnifying glass? Money is kind of tight and here on oahu, I can't seem to find a place that sells them. What are your thoughts? I appreciate any information!


Lola Grows

Well-Known Member
So, I'm about halfway through the flowering phase and I'm starting to see frost form. I currently have a regular magnifying glass and I am wondering, is a jewelers loop necessary? Or will I be able to get away with just a magnifying glass? Money is kind of tight and here on oahu, I can't seem to find a place that sells them. What are your thoughts? I appreciate any information!

eBay for under 6$ ( free shipping)


Well-Known Member
I use a Sherlock Holmes looking magnifying glass the most. I have a loupe that's 60 & 30 power with led light. Amber isn't that hard to see. I use the loupe to check for bugs.


Well-Known Member
Quality phones have good camers that can be used as magnifiers.. The best is a digital scope from amazon. I never found a use for a loupe.


I use a Sherlock Holmes looking magnifying glass the most. I have a loupe that's 60 & 30 power with led light. Amber isn't that hard to see. I use the loupe to check for bugs.
Yeah that's what I'm using, I feel like I'm solving a crime when using it haha. I mean it just started producing crystals like 3 days ago so it's still suuuper early in the flower. I guess I'm probably over thinking it. It's my first grow and I don't want anything to screw up. I appreciate the feed back!


Well-Known Member
If you can see the trichs clearly enough to make out individual ones and tell if they are clear, cloudy or amber then you're good to go. If I use macro mode on my digi cam I can blow the pic up on the computer and see them the size of plums. 20mp catches a lot of detail.



Well-Known Member
Any old pair of binoculars will give u 2 of the best lenses for viewing trichs or plant probs u will ever get(twice as good as a jewellers loupe ). £5 from car boot sale....just unscrew the 2 viewing lenses u look through and your good to go .....perfect....


Well-Known Member
Actually got a cheap set from harbor freight since I'm always breaking shit's like 8 different lenses that you can stack to get desired zoom.......they were only like 4 bucks .......I once saw an aphid holding his penis flipping me off while testing them on some roses:finger::shock:


Well-Known Member
So, I'm about halfway through the flowering phase and I'm starting to see frost form. I currently have a regular magnifying glass and I am wondering, is a jewelers loop necessary? Or will I be able to get away with just a magnifying glass? Money is kind of tight and here on oahu, I can't seem to find a place that sells them. What are your thoughts? I appreciate any information!

Bleed for one its just too useful

even once outta that noob stage

30x is best and at most $10.00

good luck


Well-Known Member
YOu know, I have an app called magnifying glass.It works better than my camera... gets super clear images.