Need expert advice ( pic included )


Well-Known Member
May the god listen to your words and let the plant finish. You really gave me some hope. The humidity packs sound good. Do i need to put the jar on the fridge if i got the humidity packs
No mate you don't need to put the jars in the fridge, in fact you shouldn't put them in the fridge. You put them in a dark closet or anywhere that is safe and not exposed to sunlight. Ignore the guy telling you to give the plant 24/7 of light lol.


Well-Known Member
Ignore me if you wish, doesn't matter to me. But if you want to finish the plant fast, it is your best option.


Active Member
If everything's times and fused, tripped and wired properly , you shouldn't have any problems at all.
Although I can see your Reasoning, so last option for you is to take them girls outside!!!!
As i mentioned the climate here is pretty harsh to take it out. I been thinking it over for a while and im 95% sure that harvest is the best option i just need to time it correctly and see how many days i need to dry and if i should freez it after or not


Active Member
So much misinformation in this thread... You aren't going to speed up the plant with defoilating, plain and simple.No leaves don't "consume more energy than they produce" leaves not exposed to light will become sinks, storehouses for compounds the plant will use for growth. These compounds are not just used locally by the plant. Your best option for this plant is to open it up and expose the majority of the plant to light, pull those branches to the sides and open that plant up. LST can be utilized all the way to harvest. If you want to speed up your harvest, open the plant to light and run 24/7 light from now until harvest. Dont defoilate.
I just stoped the light timer ill keep it under light 24/7 but i dont know what u exactly mean by open it up do u have a video that can help ?


Well-Known Member
If you would have read my post.. You would see that I wasn't talking about yield I was talking about finishing the plant as fast as possible. And the only way to do that is with efficient photosynthesis. Period. That means LST and 24 hour light for autos. Not defoilating.

The op wanted advise to finish quickly, it was you guys trying to come up with ways to keep his plants alive while he was gone.
My apologies. Im not disagreeing with what you're saying, but I think there are other options. I'm all for saying you shouldn't defoliate autos, I was just giving him some options and explaining the extremities and context of them IF he wanted to keep it going while he was away.
And the defoliation was ONLY if he wasn't going to be able to get to them for a few weeks- if there are 2 big fans touching each other at the bottom of the plant, while the leaves are drooping- he would get mould.
I wasn't offering bad advice , just passing on what I've learned and giving him some options- yes some extreme.

Hopefully he will go wh your idea of upping the light schedule... beig an auto it shouldn't fuck with it too much!!


Well-Known Member
Im sorry if it seems like i ignored you but im struggling cooking, reading and replying at the same time
I was referring to the noob telling you that you should ignore me.

I don't have a video to explain what I'm talking about but look at this plant

Notice how the branches are pulled down and out and staked.. This will expose the whole plant to light. Be careful and do a little each day don't just try and rip the plant open all at once or you will tear the junctions.


Well-Known Member
I still say water heavy and sit it somewhere the sun hits it inside then come home to whatever you have when you get there, good luck and great grows

P.s. never doubt any advise @Resinhound give you about autos, even if he says to top it, he knows what he is talking about, dude runs a solid journal and has his light game down!


Well-Known Member
Your plant won't be done completely in 2 weeks, but it will be much farther along then if you started chopping leaves and buds off your plant.


Well-Known Member
I still say water heavy and sit it somewhere the sun hits it inside then come home to whatever you have when you get there, good luck and great grows

P.s. never doubt any advise @Resinhound give you about autos, even if he says to top it, he knows what he is talking about, dude runs a solid journal and has his light game down!
I agree bb chopping in 2 weeks isn't the best option at all, I'm just giving the op my opinion on how to get the plant the furthest along in the shortest amount of time... If he feels he Must harvest in a short time.

lio lacidem

Well-Known Member
Your plant won't be done completely in 2 weeks, but it will be much farther along then if you started chopping leaves and buds off your plant.
Even with running 24/7 (which most breeders of autos are saying not too d0) I dont think they will be anywhere near done.


Active Member
Your plant won't be done completely in 2 weeks, but it will be much farther along then if you started chopping leaves and buds off your plant.
So to be clear u r telling me put it under 24/7 light chop some leaves and top it right ? And after 2 weeks i can harvest it and dry it right ?


Well-Known Member
No I'm not telling you to chop leaves or top it... Im telling you to put the plant under 24 hour light and expose as many leaves as possible to that light, don't remove them.

If you MUST harvest in 2 weeks this will get you as far along as possible in that short time, not optimal to harvest in 2 weeks but if you absolutely have to... This will give you the fastest growth. I still advise against harvest in 2 weeks, I think 30 days would be more realistic.
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Active Member
I still say water heavy and sit it somewhere the sun hits it inside then come home to whatever you have when you get there, good luck and great grows

P.s. never doubt any advise @Resinhound give you about autos, even if he says to top it, he knows what he is talking about, dude runs a solid journal and has his light game down!
The temperature and humidity will kill it without AC


Well-Known Member
This is a white widow auto from greenhouse seeds, it is supposed to finish from seed in just 8-10 weeks, at 6 weeks I put it into my 12/12 room because it wouldn't auto, now it's in its 12th week from seed and it still needs another week or 2 so for future reference don't go by what the breeders description says, go by the plantIMAG1218.jpg