Need Encouragment for a City Guerilla Grow


Well-Known Member
I'm in a big midwestern city and am hoping to grow outa doors guerilla style but need pointers.

How do you pick a good site then carry the soil ammendments then plant the plant, then tend it, then watch for the harvest trichomes without raising suspicion?

I was going to plant in a forclosed property nearby but feel that if the cops did find it my indoor ops would be compromised.

I figure a forest preserve is a little less public though even there, there are plenty of people patrols and bike cops.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes the more obvious the spot the less likely people will go there, I had a 6 fatties on an abandoned property last year and it was all good, you need to know the area and the habits of the people around it, dog-walkers, curious people, etc... stay away from areas with trash as sometimes those areas are targeted for clean-ups, most soil, even in urban areas is good for weed, I had one last year literallt right behind a parking in am idled construction site, the soil was crappy but great harvest! Just look at the other types of weeds that tend to grow in the sames area, urban areas are rich in Nitrogen. Just think, "Who would come here?" If the answer is probably no one then go for it, most people never see or smell what is right under their nose, I would though! Take a look at my avatar, see the brick wall? Behind a lot in an urban area ;)


Active Member
good old buckets in trees are fun :D
hoist a 5 gal bucket (camouflaged) into the canopy and tie it to the trunk in a high sunny spot.
good luck